import mongoose, { Schema, model } from "mongoose"; import { Client, Snowflake, Message, MessageActionRow, MessageButton, MessageEmbed, TextChannel, GuildMember, ButtonInteraction, } from "discord.js"; import { CathError } from "../Error/CathError"; import { GiveawaySchema, GiveawaysClientOptions, DefaultGiveawayMessages, InviteSchema, } from "./giveaway.interface"; import { parseString } from "../functions/ms"; export class GiveawaysClient { public inviteschema = model( "cath-invite", new Schema({ User: { type: String, required: true }, Invites: { type: Object, required: true }, }) ); public schema = model( "cath-giveaways", new Schema({ Guild: { type: String, required: true, }, Channel: { type: String, required: true, }, Message: { type: String, required: true, }, HostBy: { type: String, required: true, }, End: { type: Number, required: true, }, Start: { type: Number, required: true, }, Award: { type: String, required: true, }, Winners: { type: Number, required: true, }, Ended: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, Invites: { type: Number, required: true, default: 0, }, Requirements: { type: Object, default: { Enabled: Boolean, Roles: [] }, }, Clickers: { type: Array, default: [], }, }) ); public client: Client; public GiveawayMessages: DefaultGiveawayMessages; public MongooseConnectionURI: string; /** * @name GiveawaysClient * @kind constructor * @param {GiveawaysClientOptions}options */ constructor(options: GiveawaysClientOptions) { this.GiveawayMessages = options.GiveawayMessages || this.GiveawayMessages; this.client = options.client; this.MongooseConnectionURI = options.MongooseConnectionURI; mongoose .connect(this.MongooseConnectionURI, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, }) .then(() => console.log("Connected to Giveaway Database")) .catch(e => { throw new CathError(e); }); this.client.on("interactionCreate", async interaction => { if (interaction.isButton()) { let win = "" || []; let L = 0; let no = false; if (!interaction.guild) return; await (interaction.member as GuildMember).fetch(); const id = interaction.customId; if (id.startsWith("g")) { const tag = id.split("_"); if (tag[0] === "genter") { const data = await this.schema.findOne({ Message:, }); if (data.Invites > 0) { const invitedata = await this.inviteschema.findOne({ User: (interaction.member as GuildMember).id, }); if (!invitedata) { await interaction.reply({ content: "You have no invites, you can't enter", ephemeral: true, }); } else { L = => o.Uses).reduce((acc, cur) => { return acc + cur; }); if (data.Invites >= L) { await interaction.reply({ content: "You have not enough invites, you can't enter", ephemeral: true, }); no = true; } } } if (data.Requirements.Enabled) { if (data.Requirements.Roles.length) { const roles = => (interaction.message as Message).guild.members.cache .get( .roles.cache.get(x) ); if (!roles[0]) { const requiredRoles = ( interaction.message as Message ).guild.roles.cache .filter(x => data.Requirements.Roles.includes( .filter( x => !(interaction.message as Message).guild.members.cache .get( .roles.cache.get( ) .map(x => `\`${}\``) .join(", "); try { await interaction.reply({ content: this.GiveawayMessages.nonoRole.replace( /{requiredRoles}/g, requiredRoles ), }); } catch (e) { await interaction.followUp({ content: this.GiveawayMessages.nonoRole.replace( /{requiredRoles}/g, requiredRoles ), }); } } } } if (!data.Clickers.includes( && !no) { data.Clickers.push(;; try { await interaction.reply({ content: this.GiveawayMessages.newParticipant.replace( /{totalParticipants}/g, data.Clickers.length.toString() ), }); } catch (e) { await interaction.followUp({ content: this.GiveawayMessages.newParticipant.replace( /{totalParticipants}/g, data.Clickers.length.toString() ), }); } } else if (data.Clickers.includes( && !no) { await interaction.followUp({ content: this.GiveawayMessages.alreadyParticipated, }); } else if (!data.Clickers.includes( && no) { } else if (data.Clickers.includes( && no) { } } if (tag[0] === "greroll") { if ( !== tag[1]) await interaction.reply({ content: "Only the host can reroll the giveaway", }); try { win = await this.reroll( this.client,, interaction.message as Message ); } catch (err) { console.log(err); await interaction.reply({ content: "⚠️ **Unable To Find That Giveaway**", }); } if (!win.length); else { await interaction.reply({ content: "Rerolled", ephemeral: true, });{ content: this.GiveawayMessages.rerolledMessage.replace( /{winner}/g, `<@${win}>` ), components: [ new MessageActionRow().addComponents([ new MessageButton() .setLabel("Giveaway") .setURL( `${}/${}/${}` ) .setStyle("LINK"), ]), ], }); } } if (tag[0] === "gend") { if ( !== tag[1]) await interaction.reply({ content: "You Cannot End This Giveaway, Only The Host Can", }); await interaction.reply({ content: "Ended", ephemeral: true }); await this.endByButton( this.client,, interaction ); } } } }); } private getButtons(host: string) { const reroll = new MessageButton() .setLabel("Reroll") .setStyle("SECONDARY") .setCustomId(`greroll_${host}`) .setDisabled(true); const end = new MessageButton() .setLabel("End") .setStyle("DANGER") .setCustomId(`gend_${host}`); const enter = new MessageButton() .setLabel("Enter") .setStyle("SUCCESS") .setCustomId(`genter_${host}`); const b = [enter, end, reroll]; return b; } private async choose(winners: number, msgid: Snowflake, message: Message) { const data = await this.getByMessage(msgid); const final = []; if (data.Requirements.Enabled && data.Invites == 0) { const c = data.Clickers.filter(x => this.checkRoles(x, data.Requirements.Roles, message) ); for (let i = 0; i < winners; i++) { if (!c.length) return final[0] ? final : []; const win = c[Math.floor(Math.random() * c.length)]; if (final.includes(win)) break; if (!win) return final[0] ? final : []; final.push(win); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < winners; i++) { if (!data.Clickers.length) return final[0] ? final : []; const win = data.Clickers[Math.floor(Math.random() * data.Clickers.length)]; if (final.includes(win)) break; if (!win) return final[0] ? final : []; final.push(win); } } return final[0] ? final : []; } private checkRoles( userID: Snowflake, roleIDs: Snowflake[], message: Message ): Boolean { let res = null; roleIDs.forEach(roleID => { const role = message.guild.roles.cache.get(roleID); if (!message.guild.members.cache.get(userID).roles.cache.get( res = false; }); if (res == false) return false; else return true; } private async editButtons(client: Client, data: GiveawaySchema) { const m = await ( client.guilds.cache .get(data.Guild) .channels.cache.get(data.Channel) as TextChannel ).messages.fetch(data.Message); const bs = await this.getButtons(data.HostBy); bs.find(x => x.label == "Enter") .setDisabled() .setStyle("SECONDARY"); bs.find(x => x.label == "End") .setDisabled() .setStyle("SECONDARY"); bs.find(x => x.label == "Reroll") .setDisabled(false) .setStyle("SUCCESS"); const row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents(bs); m.edit({ components: [row], embeds: m.embeds, }).catch(e => { throw new CathError(e); }); } private async giveawayEmbed( client: Client, status: string, { host, prize, endAfter, invites, winners, requirements } ) { const hostedBy = client.users.cache.get(host) || (await client.users.fetch(host).catch(() => null)); let req = ""; if (requirements.Roles) req += `\n Role(s): ${ => `<@&${x}>`).join( ", " )}`; if (requirements.weeklyamari) req += `\n Weekly Amari: \`${requirements.weeklyamari}\``; if (requirements.amarilevel) req += `\n Amari Level: \`${requirements.amarilevel}\``; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`Status: ${status}! 🎉`) .setDescription( `${ this.GiveawayMessages.toParticipate }\n${this.GiveawayMessages.giveawayDescription .replace(/{invites}/g, invites ? invites : "0") .replace(/{requirements}/g, req) .replace(/{hostedBy}/g, hostedBy || "Can't find the user") .replace(/{award}/g, prize) .replace(/{winners}/g, winners) .replace(/{totalParticipants}/g, "0")}` ) .setColor("RANDOM") .setFooter({ text: "Ends", iconURL: this.GiveawayMessages.giveawayFooterImage, }) .setTimestamp( + parseString(endAfter)); return embed; } public async create( client: Client, { prize, host, winners, endAfter, invites, requirements, Channel } ) { if (!client) throw new CathError("client wasnt provided while creating giveaway!"); if (!prize) throw new CathError("prize wasnt provided while creating giveaway!"); if (typeof prize !== "string") throw new TypeError("prize should be a string"); if (!host) throw new CathError("host wasnt provided while creating giveaway"); if (!winners) throw new CathError( "winner count wasnt provided while creating giveaway" ); if (isNaN(winners)) throw new TypeError("winners should be a Number"); if (!endAfter) throw new CathError("time wasnt provided while creating giveaway"); if (typeof endAfter !== "string") throw new TypeError("endAfter should be a string"); if ( invites < 0 && invites == null && invites == undefined && typeof invites !== "number" ) { throw new CathError("invites wasnt provided while creating giveaway"); } if (!Channel) throw new CathError("channel ID wasnt provided while creating giveaway"); const status = "In Progress"; const msg = await (client.channels.cache.get(Channel) as TextChannel).send({ content: this.GiveawayMessages.giveaway, components: [new MessageActionRow().addComponents(this.getButtons(host))], embeds: [ await this.giveawayEmbed(client, status, { host, prize, endAfter, invites, winners, requirements, }), ], }); const data = await new this.schema({ Message:, Channel: Channel, Guild:, HostBy: host, Winners: winners, Award: prize, Start:, End: + parseString(endAfter), Invites: invites, Requirements: requirements, }).save(); await this.startTimer(msg, data); } private async startTimer(message: Message, data, instant = false) { if (!message) throw new CathError("Missing 'message'"); if (!data) throw new CathError("Missing 'data'"); const msg = await ( message.guild.channels.cache.get(data.Channel) as TextChannel ).messages.fetch(data.Message); await msg.fetch(); const time = instant ? 0 : data.End -; setTimeout(async () => { const winners = await this.choose(, data.Message, message); if (!winners) {{ content: this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.noWinner, data, msg ), }); data.Ended = true;; const embed = msg.embeds[0]; embed.description = this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.giveawayDescription, data, msg ); msg.edit({ embeds: [embed] }); this.editButtons(message.client, data); return "NO_WINNERS"; }{ content: this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.winMessage, await this.getByMessage(data.Message), msg, winners as [] ), }); if (this.GiveawayMessages.dmWinner) { const dmEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle("You Won!") .setDescription( this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.dmMessage, data, msg, winners as [] ) ) .setColor("RANDOM") .setTimestamp() .setThumbnail(msg.guild.iconURL({ dynamic: true })) .setFooter({ text: "Made by Cath Team" }); (winners as []).forEach(user => { message.guild.members.cache.get(user).send({ embeds: [dmEmbed] }); }); } const embed = msg.embeds[0]; embed.description = this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.giveawayDescription, data, msg, winners as [] ); msg.edit({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(err => console.log(err)); data.Ended = true; => { console.log(err); }); this.editButtons(message.client, data); }, time); } private gotoGiveaway(data) { if (!data) throw new CathError("Missing 'data'"); const link = `${data.Guild}/${data.Channel}/${data.Message}`; const button = new MessageButton() .setLabel("Giveaway") .setStyle("LINK") .setURL(link); return button; } private async endByButton( client: Client, Message: Snowflake, button: ButtonInteraction ) { if (!client) throw new CathError("Missing 'client'"); if (!Message) throw new CathError("Missing 'Message'"); if (!button) throw new CathError("Missing 'button'"); const data = await this.getByMessage(Message); const msg = await ( client.guilds.cache .get(data.Guild) .channels.cache.get(data.Channel) as TextChannel ).messages.fetch(Message); const res = await this.end(msg, data, msg); if (res == "ENDED") await button.followUp({ content: this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.alreadyEnded, data, msg ), }); } public async end(message: Message, data, giveawaymsg: Message) { if (!message) throw new CathError("Missing 'Message'"); if (!data) throw new CathError("Missing 'data'"); if (!giveawaymsg) throw new CathError("Missing 'Message'"); const newData = await this.getByMessage(data.Message); if (newData.Ended) return "ENDED"; const winners = await this.choose(data.Winners,, message); const msg = await ( message.client.guilds.cache .get(data.Guild) .channels.cache.get(data.Channel) as TextChannel ).messages.fetch(data.Message); if (!winners) { this.replacePlaceholders(this.GiveawayMessages.noWinner, newData, msg) ); data.Ended = true; await; const embed = giveawaymsg.embeds[0]; embed.description = this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.giveawayDescription, newData, msg ); embed.title = "Status: Ended! 🎉"; giveawaymsg.edit({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(err => console.log(err)); this.editButtons(message.client, data); return "NO_WINNERS"; } this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.winMessage, newData, msg, winners as [] ) ); if (this.GiveawayMessages.dmWinner) { const dmEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle("You Won!") .setDescription( this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.dmMessage, newData, msg, winners as [] ) ) .setColor("RANDOM") .setTimestamp() .setThumbnail(msg.guild.iconURL({ dynamic: true })) .setFooter({ text: "Made by Cath Team" }); (winners as []).forEach(user => { message.guild.members.cache .get(user) .send({ embeds: [dmEmbed] }) .catch(); }); } const embed = giveawaymsg.embeds[0]; embed.description = this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.giveawayDescription, data, msg, winners as [] ); embed.title = "Status: Ended! 🎉"; giveawaymsg.edit({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(err => console.log(err)); data.Ended = true; => { console.log(err); }); this.editButtons(message.client, data); } public async reroll(client: Client, Message: Snowflake, message: Message) { if (!client) throw new CathError("Missing 'client'"); if (!Message) throw new CathError("Missing 'Message'"); const data = await this.getByMessage(Message); const msg = await ( client.guilds.cache .get(data.Guild) .channels.cache.get(data.Channel) as TextChannel ).messages.fetch(Message); const embed = message.embeds[0]; embed.title = "Status: Rerolled! 🎉"; message.edit({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(err => console.log(err)); const chosen = await this.choose(1, Message, message); if (!chosen) return []; const dmEmbed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle("You Won!") .setDescription( this.replacePlaceholders( this.GiveawayMessages.dmMessage, data, msg, chosen as [] ) ) .setColor("RANDOM") .setTimestamp() .setThumbnail(msg.guild.iconURL({ dynamic: true })) .setFooter({ text: "Made by Cath Team" }); (chosen as []).forEach(user => { client.users.cache.get(user).send({ embeds: [dmEmbed] }); }); return chosen; } public async getByMessage(Message: Snowflake) { const doc = await this.schema.findOne({ Message: Message }); if (!doc) return; return doc; } public async start(client: Client) { await this.schema.find({ Ended: false }).then(data => { setTimeout(async () => { data.forEach(async e => { const guild = await client.guilds.fetch(e.Guild); if (!guild) await e.delete(); const channel = guild.channels.cache.get(e.Channel) as TextChannel; if (!channel) await e.delete(); const msg = await channel.messages.fetch(e.Message).catch(); if (!msg) await e.delete(); this.startTimer(msg, e); }); }, 10000); }); if (this.GiveawayMessages.editParticipants) { setInterval(async () => { const docs = await this.schema.find({ Ended: false }); for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) { const guild = client.guilds.cache.get(docs[i].Guild); if (!guild) return; const channel = (await guild.channels.fetch( docs[i].Channel )) as TextChannel; if (!channel) return; const msg = await channel.messages.fetch(docs[i].Message); if (!msg) return; const embed = msg.embeds[0]; const req = docs[i].Requirements.Enabled ? docs[i] => `<@&${x}>`).join(", ") : "None!"; embed.description = `${ this.GiveawayMessages.toParticipate }\n${this.GiveawayMessages.giveawayDescription .replace(/{invites}/g, docs[i].Invites.toString()) .replace(/{requirements}/g, req) .replace(/{hostedBy}/g, `<@!${docs[i].HostBy}>`) .replace(/{award}/g, docs[i].Award) .replace(/{winners}/g, docs[i].Winners.toString()) .replace( /{totalParticipants}/g, docs[i].Clickers.length.toString() )}`; msg.edit({ embeds: [embed] }); } }, 10 * 1000); } } private replacePlaceholders( string: string, data: GiveawaySchema, msg: Message, winners = [] ) { const newString = string .replace(/{invites}/g, data.Invites.toString()) .replace( /{requirements}/g, data.Requirements.Enabled ? => `<@&${x}>`).join(", ") : "None!" ) .replace(/{guildName}/g, .replace(/{totalParticipants}/g, data.Clickers.length.toString()) .replace(/{award}/g, data.Award) .replace( /{giveawayURL}/g, `${}/${}/${data.Message}` ) .replace( /{hostedBy}/g, msg.guild.members.cache.get(data.HostBy).toString() ) .replace( /{winners}/g, winners.length > 0 ? => `<@${winner}>`).join(", ") : "None" || "None" ); return newString; } }