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Supported File Managers - [ccc](https://github.com/night0721/ccc)

Supported Fuzzy Finders - [fnf](https://github.com/leo-arch/fnf)

Keep in mind that support for fuzzy finding is quite limited and using seperate plugins would be more practical.

1. Partial Support as files cannot be opened.

## Demo and Screenshots: ![Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57725322/142964076-6efd1247-b689-4cf7-bc29-ca1c6746462c.gif)

Screenshots ##### [fnf](https://github.com/leo-arch/fnf) ![fnf](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57725322/142956916-bd78371f-6308-4559-ae55-0014d18b16bb.png) ##### [ccc](https://github.com/night0721/ccc) ![ccc](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57725322/142956906-2eb5d0f1-4a27-4b50-90f8-442cbe6b0cdb.png)

## Installation: - [packer.nvim](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim): ```lua use {'night0721/ccc.nvim'} ``` ## Configuration: The following configuration contains the defaults so if you find them satisfactory, there is no need to use the setup function. ```lua require('ccc.nvim').setup{ -- (Vim) Command used to open files edit_cmd = "edit", -- See `Q&A` for more info on_close = {}, on_open = {}, -- UI Options ui = { -- Default UI (can be "split" or "float") default = "float", float = { -- Floating window border (see ':h nvim_open_win') border = "none", -- Highlight group for floating window/border (see ':h winhl') float_hl = "Normal", border_hl = "FloatBorder", -- Floating Window Transparency (see ':h winblend') blend = 0, -- Num from 0 - 1 for measurements height = 0.8, width = 0.8, -- X and Y Axis of Window x = 0.5, y = 0.5 }, split = { -- Direction of split direction = "topleft", -- Size of split size = 24 } }, -- Terminal commands used w/ file manager (have to be in your $PATH) cmds = { ccc_cmd = "ccc", fnf_cmd = "find . | fnf", }, -- Mappings used with the plugin mappings = { vert_split = "", horz_split = "", tabedit = "", edit = "", ESC = "" }, } ``` ## Usage: Any of the following commands are fine... - Commands - `:Ccc` - `:Fnf` but you can add a directory path w/ the command (doesn't work with `fnf`). Example: ``` :Ccc ~/.config/nvim/ ``` ## Q&A Q: What if I want to open files in splits or tabs? A: Use any of the default mappings (unless you've changed them)... - `` for horizontal split - `` for vertical split - `` for normal edit - `` for tabs Q: Can I run a function once exiting or entering the plugin? A: Yes you can! Use the following code as a guide... ```lua local function yourFunction() -- Your code goes here end require('ccc.nvim').setup{ -- Runs yourFunction() upon exiting the floating window (can only be a function) on_close = { yourFunction }, -- Runs yourFunction() upon opening the floating window (can only be a function) on_open = { yourFunction } } ``` Q: What if I want to map `` to close the window? A: You can do this by mapping `` to whatever closes your file manager (note that this may bring up other issues). This can be done with the following code... ```lua require('ccc.nvim').setup{ mappings = { -- Example for Vifm ESC = ":q" } } ``` Q: Am I able to have image previews? A: Not yet Q: Can I use splits instead of a floating window A: It's possible by changing the "default" option in the "ui" table to "split"