#include #include #include #include #include #include "icons.h" #include "util.h" icon *hash_table[TABLE_SIZE]; /* Hashes every name with: name and TABLE_SIZE */ unsigned int hash(char *name) { int length = strnlen(name, MAX_NAME), i = 0; unsigned int hash_value = 0; for (; i < length; i++) { hash_value += name[i]; hash_value = (hash_value * name[i]) % TABLE_SIZE; } return hash_value; } void hashtable_init() { for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) hash_table[i] = NULL; icon *c = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(c->name, "c"); c->icon = L""; icon *h = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(h->name, "h"); h->icon = L""; icon *cpp = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(cpp->name, "cpp"); cpp->icon = L""; icon *hpp = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(hpp->name, "hpp"); hpp->icon = L"󰰀"; icon *md = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(md->name, "md"); md->icon = L""; icon *py = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(py->name, "py"); py->icon = L""; icon *java = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(java->name, "java"); java->icon = L""; icon *json = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(json->name, "json"); json->icon = L""; icon *js = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(js->name, "js"); js->icon = L""; icon *html = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(html->name, "html"); html->icon = L""; icon *rs = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(rs->name, "rs"); rs->icon = L""; icon *sh = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(sh->name, "sh"); sh->icon = L""; icon *go = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(go->name, "go"); go->icon = L""; icon *r = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(r->name, "r"); r->icon = L""; icon *diff = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(diff->name, "diff"); diff->icon = L""; icon *hs = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(hs->name, "hs"); hs->icon = L""; icon *log = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(log->name, "log"); log->icon = L"󱀂"; icon *rb = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(rb->name, "rb"); rb->icon = L""; icon *iso = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(iso->name, "iso"); iso->icon = L"󰻂"; icon *lua = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(lua->name, "lua"); lua->icon = L""; icon *license = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(license->name, "LICENSE"); license->icon = L""; icon *gitignore = memalloc(sizeof(icon)); strcpy(gitignore->name, "gitignore"); gitignore->icon = L""; hashtable_add(c); hashtable_add(h); hashtable_add(cpp); hashtable_add(hpp); hashtable_add(md); hashtable_add(py); hashtable_add(java); hashtable_add(json); hashtable_add(js); hashtable_add(html); hashtable_add(rs); hashtable_add(sh); hashtable_add(go); hashtable_add(r); hashtable_add(diff); hashtable_add(hs); hashtable_add(log); hashtable_add(rb); hashtable_add(iso); hashtable_add(lua); hashtable_add(license); hashtable_add(gitignore); } void hashtable_print() { int i = 0; for (; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) { if (hash_table[i] == NULL) { printf("%i. ---\n", i); } else { printf("%i. | Name %s | Icon %ls\n", i, hash_table[i]->name, hash_table[i]->icon); } } } /* Gets hashed name and tries to store the icon struct in that place */ bool hashtable_add(icon *p) { if (p == NULL) return false; int index = hash(p->name); int initial_index = index; /* linear probing until an empty slot is found */ while (hash_table[index] != NULL) { index = (index + 1) % TABLE_SIZE; /* move to next item */ /* the hash table is full as no available index back to initial index, cannot fit new item */ if (index == initial_index) return false; } hash_table[index] = p; return true; } /* Rehashes the name and then looks in this spot, if found returns icon */ icon *hashtable_search(char *name) { int index = hash(name); int initial_index = index; /* Linear probing until an empty slot or the desired item is found */ while (hash_table[index] != NULL) { if (strncmp(hash_table[index]->name, name, MAX_NAME) == 0) return hash_table[index]; index = (index + 1) % TABLE_SIZE; /* Move to the next slot */ /* back to same item */ if (index == initial_index) break; } return NULL; }