#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #include #include #include #include #include #include /* directories etc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "file.h" #include "util.h" #include "config.h" typedef struct { WINDOW *window; int location; int y; int x; } WIN_STRUCT; /* functions' definitions */ void change_dir(const char *buf); int mkdir_p(const char *destdir); void populate_files(const char *path); int get_directory_size(const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb, int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf); long add_file_stat(char *filepath, int ftype); void highlight_current_line(); void show_file_content(); void edit_file(); void wpprintw(const char *line); void init_windows(); void draw_border_title(WINDOW *window, bool active); /* global variables */ unsigned int focus = 0; long current_selection = 0; bool dirs_size = DIRS_SIZE; char *cwd; int half_width; WIN_STRUCT windows[5]; WINDOW *directory_border; WINDOW *directory_content; WINDOW *preview_border; WINDOW *preview_content; WINDOW *panel; unsigned long total_dir_size; int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) die("Usage: ccc filename"); /* check if it is interactive shell */ if (!isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) die("ccc: No tty detected. ccc requires an interactive shell to run.\n"); /* initialize screen, don't print special chars, * make ctrl + c work, don't show cursor * enable arrow keys */ initscr(); noecho(); cbreak(); curs_set(0); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* check terminal has colors */ if (!has_colors()) { endwin(); die("ccc: Color is not supported in your terminal.\n"); } else { use_default_colors(); start_color(); } /* colors */ init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, -1); /* */ init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, -1); /* */ init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, -1); /* LNK */ init_pair(4, COLOR_YELLOW, -1); /* BLK */ init_pair(5, COLOR_BLUE, -1); /* DIR */ init_pair(6, COLOR_MAGENTA, -1); /* */ init_pair(7, COLOR_CYAN, -1); /* MARKED FILES */ init_pair(8, COLOR_WHITE, -1); /* REG */ half_width = COLS / 2; init_windows(); refresh(); cwd = memalloc(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char)); getcwd(cwd, PATH_MAX); populate_files(cwd); highlight_current_line(); /* set window name */ printf("%c]2;ccc: %s%c", ESC, cwd, ESC); int ch, ch2; while (1) { if (COLS < 80 || LINES < 24) { endwin(); die("ccc: Terminal size needs to be at least 80x24\n"); } ch = getch(); /* printf("%d ",ch); */ switch (ch) { /* quit */ case 'q': endwin(); return 0; /* reload using z */ case 'z': change_dir(cwd); break; /* go back by backspace or h or left arrow */ case BACKSPACE: case LEFT: case 'h':; /* get parent directory */ char *last_slash = strrchr(cwd, '/'); if (last_slash != NULL) { *last_slash = '\0'; change_dir(cwd); } break; /* enter directory/open a file using enter or l or right arrow */ case ENTER: case RIGHT: case 'l':; file *file = get_file(current_selection); if (file != NULL) { /* check if it is directory or regular file */ if (strncmp(file->type, "DIR", 3) == 0) { /* change cwd to directory */ change_dir(file->path); } else if (strncmp(file->type, "REG", 3) == 0) { edit_file(); } } break; /* jump up (ctrl u) */ case CTRLU: if ((current_selection - JUMP_NUM) > 0) current_selection -= JUMP_NUM; else current_selection = 0; highlight_current_line(); break; /* go up by k or up arrow */ case UP: case 'k': if (current_selection > 0) current_selection--; highlight_current_line(); break; /* jump down (ctrl d) */ case CTRLD: if ((current_selection + JUMP_NUM) < (files_len() - 1)) current_selection += JUMP_NUM; else current_selection = (files_len() - 1); highlight_current_line(); break; /* go down by j or down arrow */ case DOWN: case 'j': if (current_selection < (files_len() - 1)) current_selection++; highlight_current_line(); break; /* jump to the bottom */ case 'G': current_selection = (files_len() - 1); highlight_current_line(); break; /* jump to the top */ case 'g': ch2 = getch(); switch (ch2) { case 'g': current_selection = 0; highlight_current_line(); break; default: break; } break; /* go to $HOME */ case TILDE:; char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { wpprintw("$HOME is not defined"); } else { change_dir(home); } break; /* go to the trash dir */ case 't':; char *trash_dir = getenv("CCC_TRASH"); if (trash_dir == NULL) { wpprintw("$CCC_TRASH is not defined"); } else { if (access(trash_dir, F_OK) != 0) { /* create the directory with 755 perm if it doesn't exit */ if (mkdir_p(trash_dir) == -1) { switch (errno) { case EACCES: wpprintw("Parent directory does not allow write permission or one of directory does not allow search access"); } } } change_dir(trash_dir); } break; /* show directories' sizes */ case 'v': dirs_size = !dirs_size; clear_files(); populate_files(cwd); highlight_current_line(); break; /* mark files by space */ case SPACE:; add_file_stat(get_filepath(current_selection), 1); highlight_current_line(); break; /* escape */ case ESC: break; case KEY_RESIZE: for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) delwin(windows[i].window); endwin(); init_windows(); break; default: break; } } clear_files(); clear_marked(); endwin(); return 0; } /* * Change directory in window */ void change_dir(const char *buf) { strcpy(cwd, buf); clear_files(); populate_files(cwd); current_selection = 0; highlight_current_line(); } /* * Recursively create directory by creating each subdirectory */ int mkdir_p(const char *destdir) { char *path = memalloc(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char)); char *token = strtok(path, "/"); char dir_path[PATH_MAX] = ""; strcpy(path, destdir); if (destdir[0] == '~') { char *home = getenv("HOME"); if (home == NULL) { wpprintw("$HOME is not defined"); return -1; } /* replace ~ with home */ memmove(path + strlen(home), path + 1, strlen(path)); memcpy(path, home, strlen(home)); } /* fix first / not appearing in the string */ if (path[0] == '/') strcat(dir_path, "/"); while (token != NULL) { strcat(dir_path, token); strcat(dir_path, "/"); if (mkdir(dir_path, 0755) == -1) { struct stat st; if (stat(dir_path, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { /* Directory already exists, continue to the next dir */ token = strtok(NULL, "/"); continue; } perror("ccc"); free(path); return -1; } token = strtok(NULL, "/"); } free(path); return 0; } /* * Read the provided directory and add all files in directory to linked list * ep->d_name -> filename */ void populate_files(const char *path) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *ep; draw_border_title(directory_border, true); if ((dp = opendir(path)) != NULL) { /* clear directory window to ready for printing */ wclear(directory_content); while ((ep = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { char *filename = memalloc(PATH_MAX * sizeof(char)); /* make filename be basename of selected item just to pass check */ filename[0] = '\0'; strcat(filename, ep->d_name); /* can't be strncmp as that would filter out the dotfiles */ if (strcmp(filename, ".") && strcmp(filename, "..")) { /* construct full file path */ filename[0] = '\0'; strcat(filename, cwd); strcat(filename, "/"); strcat(filename, ep->d_name); /* add filename */ add_file_stat(filename, 0); } free(filename); } closedir(dp); wrefresh(directory_content); } else { perror("ccc"); } } int get_directory_size(const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb, int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf) { total_dir_size += sb->st_size; return 0; } /* * Get file's last modified time, size, type * Add that file into list * ftype: 0 = normal file, 1 = marked */ long add_file_stat(char *filepath, int ftype) { struct stat file_stat; if (stat(filepath, &file_stat) == -1) { /* can't be triggered? */ if (errno == EACCES) return add_file(filepath, "", "", 8); } /* get file type and color */ char *type = memalloc(4 * sizeof(char)); /* 4 chars for type */ int color; if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode)) { strcpy(type, "DIR"); /* directory type */ color = 5; /* blue color */ } else if (S_ISREG(file_stat.st_mode)) { strcpy(type, "REG"); /* regular file */ color = 8; /* white color */ } else if (S_ISLNK(file_stat.st_mode)) { strcpy(type, "LNK"); /* symbolic link */ color = 3; /* green color */ } else if (S_ISCHR(file_stat.st_mode)) { strcpy(type, "CHR"); /* character device */ color = 8; /* white color */ } else if (S_ISSOCK(file_stat.st_mode)) { strcpy(type, "SOC"); /* socket */ color = 8; /* white color */ } else if (S_ISBLK(file_stat.st_mode)) { strcpy(type, "BLK"); /* block device */ color = 4; /* yellow color */ } else if (S_ISFIFO(file_stat.st_mode)) { strcpy(type, "FIF"); /* FIFO */ color = 8; /* white color */ } else { color = 8; /* white color */ } /* if file is to be marked */ if (ftype == 1) { long index = add_marked(filepath, type); if (index != -1) { return index; /* just marked */ } else { return -1; /* already marked */ } } /* get last modified time */ char *time = memalloc(20 * sizeof(char)); /* format last modified time to a string */ strftime(time, 20, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", localtime(&file_stat.st_mtime)); /* get file size */ double bytes = file_stat.st_size; if (dirs_size) { /* dirs_size is true, so calculate disk usage */ if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode)) { /* at most 15 fd opened */ total_dir_size = 0; nftw(filepath, &get_directory_size, 15, FTW_PHYS); bytes = total_dir_size; } } /* max 25 chars due to long, space, suffix and null */ char *size = memalloc(25 * sizeof(char)); int unit = 0; const char* units[] = {" B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"}; while (bytes > 1024) { bytes /= 1024; unit++; } /* 4 sig fig, limiting characters to have better format */ sprintf(size, "%-6.4g %-3s", bytes, units[unit]); char *total_stat = memalloc(45 * sizeof(char)); snprintf(total_stat, 45, "%-18s %-10s", time, size); total_stat[strlen(total_stat)] = '\0'; free(time); free(size); long index = add_file(filepath, total_stat, type, color); free(total_stat); free(type); return index; } /* * Highlight current line by reversing the color */ void highlight_current_line() { long overflow = 0; if (current_selection > LINES - 4) { /* overflown */ overflow = current_selection - (LINES - 4); } /* calculate range of files to show */ long range = files_len(); /* not highlight if no files in directory */ if (range == 0) { wprintw(preview_content, "empty directory"); wrefresh(preview_content); return; } if (range > LINES - 3) { /* if there are more files than lines available to display * shrink range to avaiable lines to display with * overflow to keep the number of iterations to be constant */ range = LINES - 3 + overflow; } wclear(directory_content); long line_count = 0; for (long i = overflow; i < range; i++) { if ((overflow == 0 && i == current_selection) || (overflow != 0 && i == current_selection)) { wattron(directory_content, A_REVERSE); /* update the panel */ wclear(panel); /* check for marked files */ long num_marked = marked_len(); if (num_marked > 0) { /* Determine length of formatted string */ int m_len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "(%ld selected)", num_marked); char *selected = memalloc((m_len + 1) * sizeof(char)); snprintf(selected, m_len + 1, "(%ld selected)", num_marked); wprintw(panel, "(%ld/%ld) %s %s", current_selection + 1, files_len(), selected, cwd); } else { wprintw(panel, "(%ld/%ld) %s", current_selection + 1, files_len(), cwd); } } /* print the actual filename and stats */ char *line = get_line(i); int color = get_color(i); /* check is file marked for action */ bool marked = in_marked(get_filepath(i)); if (marked) { /* show file is selected */ wattron(directory_content, COLOR_PAIR(7)); } else { /* print the whole directory with default colors */ wattron(directory_content, COLOR_PAIR(color)); } if (overflow > 0) mvwprintw(directory_content, line_count, 0, "%s", line); else mvwprintw(directory_content, i, 0, "%s", line); if (marked) { wattroff(directory_content, COLOR_PAIR(7)); } else { wattroff(directory_content, COLOR_PAIR(color)); } wattroff(directory_content, A_REVERSE); free(line); line_count++; } wrefresh(directory_content); wrefresh(panel); /* show file content every time cursor changes */ show_file_content(); wrefresh(preview_content); } /* * Get file content into buffer and show it to preview window */ void show_file_content() { wclear(preview_content); file *current_file = get_file((long) current_selection); if (strncmp(current_file->type, "DIR", 3) == 0) return; FILE *file = fopen(current_file->path, "r"); if (file == NULL) { mvwprintw(preview_content, 0, 0, "Unable to read %s", current_file->path); return; } draw_border_title(preview_border, true); int c; /* check if its binary */ while ((c = fgetc(file)) != EOF) { if (c == '\0') { mvwprintw(preview_content, 0, 0, "binary"); return; } } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long length = ftell(file); /* check if file isn't empty */ if (length != 0) { fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); /* set cursor back to start of file */ int max_length = (LINES - 3) * (COLS / 2 - 2); char *buffer = memalloc(max_length * sizeof(char)); fread(buffer, 1, max_length, file); mvwprintw(preview_content, 0, 0, "%s", buffer); free(buffer); } else { wclear(preview_content); } fclose(file); } /* * Opens $EDITOR to edit the file */ void edit_file() { #ifdef EDITOR char *editor = EDITOR; #else char *editor = getenv("EDITOR"); #endif if (editor == NULL) { wpprintw("Cannot get EDITOR variable, is it defined?"); return; } else { def_prog_mode(); /* save the tty modes */ endwin(); /* end curses mode temporarily */ char *filename = get_filepath(current_selection); int length = strlen(editor) + strlen(filename) + 2; /* one for space one for null */ char command[length]; snprintf(command, length, "%s %s", editor, filename); system(command); reset_prog_mode(); /* return to previous tty mode */ refresh(); /* store the screen contents */ free(filename); } } /* * Print line to panel */ void wpprintw(const char *line) { wclear(panel); wprintw(panel, "%s", line); wrefresh(panel); } void init_windows() { /*------------------------------+ |----border(0)--||--border(2)--|| || || || || content (1) || content (3) || || || || || || || |---------------||-------------|| +==========panel (4)===========*/ /* lines, cols, y, x */ directory_border = newwin(LINES - PH, half_width, 0, 0 ); directory_content = newwin(LINES - PH -2, half_width - 2, 1, 1); preview_border = newwin(LINES - PH, half_width, 0, half_width ); preview_content = newwin(LINES - PH - 2, half_width - 2, 1, half_width + 1); panel = newwin(PH, COLS, LINES - PH, 0 ); /* draw border around windows */ draw_border_title(directory_border, true); draw_border_title(preview_border, true); scrollok(directory_content, true); /* window location y, x */ windows[0] = (WIN_STRUCT) { directory_border, 0, 0, 0 }; windows[1] = (WIN_STRUCT) { directory_border, 0, 0, 0 }; windows[2] = (WIN_STRUCT) { preview_border, 1, 0, half_width }; windows[3] = (WIN_STRUCT) { preview_content, 1, 0, half_width }; windows[4] = (WIN_STRUCT) { panel, 2, LINES - PH, 0 }; } /* * Draw the border of the window depending if it's active or not */ void draw_border_title(WINDOW *window, bool active) { /* turn on color depends on active */ if (active) { wattron(window, COLOR_PAIR(7)); } else { wattron(window, COLOR_PAIR(5)); } /* draw top border */ mvwaddch(window, 0, 0, ACS_ULCORNER); /* upper left corner */ mvwhline(window, 0, 1, ACS_HLINE, half_width - 2); /* top horizontal line */ mvwaddch(window, 0, half_width - 1, ACS_URCORNER); /* upper right corner */ /* draw side border */ mvwvline(window, 1, 0, ACS_VLINE, LINES - 2); /* left vertical line */ mvwvline(window, 1, half_width - 1, ACS_VLINE, LINES - 2); /* right vertical line */ /* draw bottom border * make space for the panel */ mvwaddch(window, LINES - PH - 1, 0, ACS_LLCORNER); /* lower left corner */ mvwhline(window, LINES - PH - 1, 1, ACS_HLINE, half_width - 2); /* bottom horizontal line */ mvwaddch(window, LINES - PH - 1, half_width - 1, ACS_LRCORNER); /* lower right corner */ /* turn color off after turning it on */ if (active) { wattroff(window, COLOR_PAIR(7)); } else { wattroff(window, COLOR_PAIR(5)); } wrefresh(window); /* Refresh the window to see the colored border and title */ }