{ "cheatsheets": { "title": "Cheat sheets", "class": "cheatsheets", "links": [ { "title": "Vim cheat sheet", "link": "https://vim.rtorr.com/" }, { "title": "Tmux cheat sheet", "link": "https://tmuxcheatsheet.com/" }, { "title": "Rust cheat sheet", "link": "https://cheat.sh/rust/:list" } ] }, "guides": { "title": "Guides", "class": "guides", "links": [ { "title": "Grub rescue", "link": "https://christitus.com/grub-rescue/" }, { "title": "Recovering deleted Windows boot partition", "link": "https://christitus.com/recovering-deleted-windows-boot-partition/" }, { "title": "Landchad", "link": "https://landchad.net/" }, { "title": "Creating git bare repository", "link": "https://www.ackama.com/what-we-think/the-best-way-to-store-your-dotfiles-a-bare-git-repository-explained/" }, { "title": "Using SSH config", "link": "https://linuxize.com/post/using-the-ssh-config-file/" }, { "title": "Learn C# by building a simple RPG", "link": "https://scottlilly.com/learn-c-by-building-a-simple-rpg-index/" }, { "title": "Go tutorial making lolcat", "link": "https://flaviocopes.com/go-tutorial-lolcat/" }, { "title": "Write a shell in C", "link": "https://danishpraka.sh/posts/write-a-shell/" }, { "title": "Crafting interpreters", "link": "https://craftinginterpreters.com/" }, { "title": "Neural networks and deep learning", "link": "http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/" }, { "title": "Flexbox", "link": "https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/" } ] }, "videos": { "title": "Videos", "class": "videos", "links": [ { "title": "ThePrimeagen: Neovim RC From Scratch", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7i4amO_zaE" }, { "title": "Fireship: Ultimate guide to web perfomance", "link": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fONene3OIA" } ] }, "posts": { "title": "Posts", "class": "posts", "links": [ { "title": "Stop using Discord", "link": "https://usemumble.neocities.org/" }, { "title": "Data Hoarding in the Modern Age: A Guide", "link": "https://dhitma.neocities.org/" }, { "title": "Wayland Isn't Going to Save The Linux Desktop", "link": "https://dudemanguy.github.io/blog/posts/2022-06-10-wayland-xorg/wayland-xorg.html" }, { "title": "harmful", "link": "https://harmful.neocities.org/" }, { "title": "No systemd", "link": "https://nosystemd.org/" }, { "title": "liteweb", "link": "https://liteweb.neocities.org/" }, { "title": "Unix shell script tactics", "link": "https://github.com/SixArm/unix-shell-script-tactics" }, { "title": "Serious Shell Programming", "link": "https://freebsdfrau.gitbook.io/serious-shell-programming/" } ] }, "wikis": { "title": "Wikis", "class": "wikis", "links": [ { "title": "Arch Wiki", "link": "https://wiki.archlinux.org/" }, { "title": "Gentoo Wiki", "link": "https://wiki.gentoo.org/" }, { "title": "InstallGentoo Wiki", "link": "https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Main_Page" } ] }, "softwarelists": { "title": "Software Lists", "class": "software-lists", "links": [ { "title": "suckless other projects", "link": "https://suckless.org/other_projects/" }, { "title": "All software sucks", "link": "https://harmful.cat-v.org/software/" }, { "title": "suckless rocks", "link": "https://suckless.org/rocks/" }, { "title": "firasuke/awesome", "link": "https://github.com/firasuke/awesome" } ] }, "services": { "title": "Services", "class": "services", "links": [ { "title": "sourcehut", "link": "https://sr.ht/" }, { "title": "Codeberg", "link": "https://codeberg.org/" }, { "title": "Github", "link": "https://github.com/" }, { "title": "suckless", "link": "https://suckless.org/" } ] }, "softwares": { "title": "Softwares", "class": "softwares", "links": [ { "title": "nnn", "link": "https://github.com/jarun/nnn" }, { "title": "fnf", "link": "https://github.com/leo-arch/fnf" }, { "title": "dwl", "link": "https://codeberg.org/dwl/dwl" }, { "title": "foot", "link": "https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot" }, { "title": "wbg", "link": "https://codeberg.org/dnkl/wbg" }, { "title": "wmenu", "link": "https://sr.ht/~adnano/wmenu/" }, { "title": "aureate", "link": "https://github.com/swindlesmccoop/aureate" } ] }, "tools": { "title": "Tools", "class": "tools", "links": [ { "title": "Google webfonts helper", "link": "https://gwfh.mranftl.com/" }, { "title": "System font stack", "link": "https://systemfontstack.com/" } ] } }