module.exports = { name: "blacklist", category: "Owner", usage: "(User) (Toggle) (Reason)", description: "Blacklist someone from the bot", Owner: true, options: [ { type: 6, name: "user", description: "The user to blacklist/whitelist", required: true, }, { type: 5, name: "yesno", description: "Whether blacklist or whitelist", required: true, }, { type: 3, name: "reason", description: "The reason to blacklist", required: true, }, ], run: async (client, interaction) => { const user = interaction.options.getUser("user"); const toggle = interaction.options.getBoolean("yesno"); const reason = interaction.options.getString("reason"); if (toggle === true) { await, toggle, reason); interaction.followUp({ content: `**Blacklisted** ${user.username}.\n**Reason: **${reason}`, }); } else { await, toggle, reason); interaction.followUp({ content: `Removed blacklist from ${user.username}`, }); } }, };