const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const moment = require("moment"); const filterLevels = { DISABLED: "Off", MEMBERS_WITHOUT_ROLES: "No Role", ALL_MEMBERS: "Everyone", }; const verificationLevels = { NONE: "None", LOW: "Low", MEDIUM: "Medium", HIGH: "High", VERY_HIGH: "Very High", }; const regions = { brazil: "Brazil", europe: "Europe", hongkong: "Hong Kong", india: "India", japan: "Japan", russia: "Russia", singapore: "Singapore", southafrica: "South Africa", sydeny: "Sydeny", "us-central": "US Central", "us-east": "US East", "us-west": "US West", "us-south": "US South", }; module.exports = { name: "serverinfo", description: "Check the info of the server", category: "Information", type: "CHAT_INPUT", options: [ { type: 3, name: "server", description: "The server you want to see (Paste Server ID)", required: false, }, ], run: async (client, interaction, args, utils) => { try { const g = client.guilds.cache.get(args[0]) || interaction.guild; const vanityCode = g.vanityURLCode; let vanityInvite = `${vanityCode}`; if (vanityCode === null) vanityInvite = "No custom URL"; const members = g.members.cache; const roles = g.roles.cache .sort((a, b) => b.position - a.position) .map(role => role.toString()); const owner = await g.fetchOwner(); const voiceChannel = g.channels.cache.filter( ch => ch.type === "GUILD_VOICE" ).size; const textChannel = g.channels.cache.filter( ch => ch.type === "GUILD_TEXT" ).size; const categoryChannel = g.channels.cache.filter( ch => ch.type === "GUILD_CATEGORY" ).size; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTimestamp() .setTitle("**Server Information**") .setAuthor(`${}`, g.iconURL({ dynamic: true })) .setColor(client.color) .setDescription(g.description || "No Description") .setThumbnail(g.iconURL({ dynamic: true, size: 1024 })) .addFields( { name: `<:nyx_owner:897418259433943120> Owner Info`, value: ` **Owner ❯** ${owner} 🆔 **Owner ID ❯** \`${}\` `, inline: true, }, { name: `Misc Info`, value: ` **🆔 Server ID ❯** \`${}\` **🌐 Region ❯** ${regions[g.regions]} **🔗 Vanity Link ❯** [${vanityCode}](${vanityInvite}) `, inline: true, }, { name: ` Creation Date`, value: ` ${moment(g.createdTimestamp).format("LL")} ${moment( g.createdTimestamp ).format("LTS")} (${moment(g.createdTimestamp).fromNow()})`, inline: true, }, // Row 2 { name: `<:4chanluv:836623612689121320> Emojies ${g.emojis.cache}`, value: ` **Static ❯** ${g.emojis.cache.size.toString()} **Animated ❯** ${g.emojis.cache .filter(emoji => emoji.animated) .size.toString()}`, inline: true, }, { name: `Member Statistics`, value: ` 👥 **Total❯** ${g.memberCount.toString()} 🚶 **Users❯** ${members .filter(member => ! .size.toString()} 🤖 **Bots❯** ${members .filter(member => .size.toString()}`, inline: true, }, { name: `Channel Info`, value: ` 📁 **Categories ❯** ${categoryChannel} #️⃣ **Text❯** ${textChannel} 🔊 **Voice❯** ${voiceChannel}`, inline: true, }, // Row 3 { name: `Server Specification`, value: ` **<:partner:840231939944480829> Partnered ❯** ${ g.partnered ? "" : "" } **<:verifiedserver:897410018234728449> Verified ❯** ${ g.verified ? "" : "" } **🚥 Verification Level ❯** ${verificationLevels[g.verificationLevel]} **💢 Explicit Filter ❯** ${filterLevels[g.explicitContentFilter]} **Tier ❯** ${ g.premiumTier == "TIER_3" ? "3 <:nyx_tier3:897406181511946261>" : g.premiumTier == "TIER_2" ? "2 <:nyx_tier2:897406181541281792>" : g.premiumTier == "TIER_1" ? "1 <:nyx_tier1:897406181558067210>" : "0" } **Count ❯** ${g.premiumSubscriptionCount || "0"}`, inline: true, }, { name: ` Community Features`, value: `${ utils.fixFeatures(g.features) || "No Community Features" }`, inline: true, }, { name: `👔 Role Info [${roles.length}]`, value: `${ roles.length < 10 ? roles.join(" **|** ") : roles.length > 10 ? `${roles.slice(0, 10).join(" **|** ")}\n+${ roles.length - 10 } roles...` : "None" }`, inline: true, } ) .setURL(vanityCode ? vanityInvite : "") .setFooter(`Made by ${}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL()); interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed] }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, };