const { MessageEmbed, version: djsversion } = require("discord.js"); const version = require("../../../package.json").version; const { utc } = require("moment"); // const os = require("os"); module.exports = { name: "botinfo", description: "Check the info of the bot", category: "Information", type: "CHAT_INPUT", run: async (client, interaction, args, utils) => { // const core = os.cpus()[0]; const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`NYX - CODM Gunsmith Bot`) .setURL( `${}&permissions=4231314550&scope=bot%20applications.commands` ) .setThumbnail( "" ) .setColor(client.color) .addFields( { name: `General`, value: ` <:nyx_owner:897418259433943120> Owner ❯ <@452076196419600394> Bot ❯ ${client.user.tag} Bot ID ❯ \`${}\` Created on ❯ \`${utc(client.user.createdTimestamp).format( "MMMM Do YYYY" )}\``, inline: true, }, { name: `Bot Stats`, value: ` Servers ❯ ${client.guilds.cache.size.toLocaleString()} Users ❯ ${client.guilds.cache .reduce((a, b) => a + b.memberCount, 0) .toLocaleString()} Channels ❯ \`${client.channels.cache.size.toLocaleString()}\` Commands ❯ \`${client.commands.size}\` `, inline: true, } ) .addFields( { name: `Platform`, value: ` NYX ❯ \`v${version}\` Discord.js ❯ \`v${djsversion}\` Node.js ❯ \`${process.version}\``, } // Removed OS Info for troubleshooting. // // { // name: `Hardware`, // value: ` // Uptime:** ${utils.timer(os.uptime() * 1000, { long: true })} // Platform:** ${process.platform} // CPU:** // \u3000 Cores: ${os.cpus().length} // \u3000 Model: ${core.model} // \u3000 Speed: ${core.speed}MHz // **`, // inline: true, // } ) .addFields({ name: `**${}**`, value: `**Development Management**\n\u3000Ń1ght#0001\n\u3000Cat drinking a cat#0795\n\u3000mightyful#6536\n\u3000Thunder#2128\n\u3000mobo#9277\n **Research & Documentation**\n\u3000𝔔𝓻𝔦ค𝔁𝔖ค𝔦ӄø#0690\n\u3000Thunder#2128\n **Website**\n\u3000Chunchunmaru#8570`, }) .setFooter(`Made by ${}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL()) .setTimestamp(); interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed] }); }, };