module.exports = { name: "volume", description: "To change the server song queue volume", category: "Music", description: "Set volume level of the music", options: [ { type: 4, name: "volume", description: "The volume of the player. Default is 100", required: true, }, ], run: async (client, interaction) => { const player = await client.manager.get(; const channel =; if (!channel) { client.err( interaction, "**You must be in a voice channel to use this command.**" ); } if (player.voiceChannel !== channel) { client.err( interaction, "**You must be in the same voice channel as me to use this command**" ); } if (!player) client.err(interaction, "**Nothing is playing right now**"); const vol = parseInt(args[0]); player.setVolume(vol); interaction, `🔉 | The player's volume has been set to \`${player.volume}\`` ); }, };