const { EmbedBuilder, Client, CommandInteraction, ActionRowBuilder, StringSelectMenuBuilder, ComponentType, } = require("discord.js"); const Utils = require("../../util/functions/function"); module.exports = { name: "help", usage: "(Command/Category)", description: "Shows all available bot commands", category: "Information", options: [ { type: 3, name: "command", description: "The command you want to see", required: false, }, ], /** * * @param {Client} client * @param {CommandInteraction} interaction * @param {String[]} args * @param {Utils} utils */ run: async (client, interaction, args, utils) => { if (!args[0]) { await interaction.deleteReply(); const emoji = { CODM: "", APEX: "🎆", Config: "", Information: "", Utilities: "", }; const directories = [ Set( =>, ]; const categories = => { if (dir == "Owner") return; const getCmds = client.slashCommands .filter(c => == dir) .map(cmd => { return { name: || "No command name", }; }); return { directory: dir, commands: getCmds, }; }); const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`**NYX's Commands**`) .setDescription(`Please choose a category in the dropdown menu`) .setColor(client.color) .setTimestamp() .addFields( { name: ":link: **Invite Me**", value: `[Click Here](${utils.inviteLink(})`, inline: true, }, { name: "<:support1:867093614403256350> **Need Help ?**", value: `[Support Server](${client.invite})`, inline: true, }, { name: "<:YouTube:841186450497339412> **Video Guide**", value: `[How to use Slash Coammands](`, inline: true, }, { name: `<:nyx_description:897379659665264650> Documentation`, value: `[Click here](${})`, inline: true, }, { name: " **Premium**", value: `You can either boost support server or subscribe to developer's team [Ko-Fi]( or gift a nitro to one of the developer team.`, inline: false, } ) .setURL( .setThumbnail( "" ) .setFooter({ text: `Requested by ${interaction.user.tag}`, iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }), }); const components = state => [ new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents( new StringSelectMenuBuilder() .setCustomId("help-menu") .setPlaceholder(`Please select a category`) .setDisabled(state) .addOptions( => { return { label:, value:, description: `Commands from ${} category`, emoji: emoji[] || null, }; }) ) ), ]; const msg = await{ embeds: [embed], components: components(false), }); const filter = m => ===; const collector ={ filter, componentType: ComponentType.StringSelect, time: 60000, }); collector.on("collect", async interaction => { const [directory] = interaction.values; const category = categories.find(u => === directory); const newembed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle( `${emoji[directory]} ${directory} Commands ${emoji[directory]}` ) .setTimestamp() .setColor(client.color) .setFooter({ text: `Please use /help (Command Name) for more details`, }) .setDescription( category.commands .map(cmd => { return [`\`${}\``]; }) .join(", ") ); interaction.reply({ embeds: [newembed] }); }); collector.on("end", () => msg.edit({ components: components(true) })); } else { const command = client.slashCommands.get(args[0].toLowerCase()); if (!command) { interaction.editReply({ content: `There isn't any command named "${args[0]}"`, }); } else { if (command.UserPerms && Array.isArray(command.UserPerms)) { UserPermissions = command.UserPerms; } else { UserPermissions = [command.UserPerms ? command.UserPerms : ""]; } if (command.BotPerms && Array.isArray(command.BotPerms)) { BotPermissions = command.BotPerms; } else { BotPermissions = [command.BotPerms ? command.BotPerms : ""]; } const BotPerms = => x .split("_") .map(y => y[0] + y.substring(1, y.length).toLowerCase()) .join(" ") ).join(", "); const UserPerms = => x .split("_") .map(y => y[0] + y.substring(1, y.length).toLowerCase()) .join(" ") ).join(", "); const fields = []; const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`"${}" command details`) .addFields([ { name: "**Command**:", value: ? `\`${}\`` : "N/A", }, ]); if (command.usage) fields.push({ name: "**Usage**:", value: `\`/${} ${command.usage}\``, }); else fields.push({ name: "**Usage**:", value: `\`/${}\``, }); if (command.description) fields.push({ name: "**Description**:", value: command.description, }); if (command.timeout) fields.push({ name: "**Cooldown**:", value: utils.timer(command.timeout), }); if (command.UserPerms) fields.push({ name: "**Required User Permission**:", value: UserPerms, }); if (command.BotPerms) fields.push({ name: "**Required Bot Permission**:", value: BotPerms, }); embed .setFooter({ text: `Requested by ${interaction.user.tag}`, iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }), }) .setTimestamp() .addFields(fields) .setURL(client.web) .setColor(client.color); interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed] }); } } }, };