const { EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js"); const fs = require("fs"); module.exports = { name: "settings", description: "Configure settings for the server", UserPerms: ["ADMINISTRATOR"], category: "Config", options: [ { type: 1, name: "prefix", description: "Configure prefix settings for the server", options: [ { type: 3, name: "prefix", description: "The prefix for the server", required: true, choices: [], }, ], }, { type: 1, name: "welcome", description: "Configure welcome channel settings for the server", options: [ { type: 7, name: "channel", description: "The channel for welcome messages", required: true, channelTypes: [0], }, ], }, { type: 1, name: "goodbye", description: "Configure goodbye channel settings for the server", options: [ { type: 7, name: "channel", description: "The channel for goodbye messages", required: true, channelTypes: [0], }, ], }, { type: 1, name: "log", description: "Configure log channel settings for the server", options: [ { type: 7, name: "channel", description: "The channel for log messages", required: true, channelTypes: [0], }, ], }, { type: 2, name: "enable", description: "Enable commands/category for the server", options: [ { type: 1, name: "command", description: "To enable commands", options: [ { type: 3, name: "name", description: "The command name to be enabled", required: true, }, ], }, { type: 1, name: "category", description: "To enable categories", options: [ { type: 3, name: "name", description: "The category name to be enabled", required: true, choices: [ { name: "codm", value: "CODM", }, { name: "config", value: "Config", }, { name: "economy", value: "Economy", }, { name: "fun", value: "Fun", }, { name: "information", value: "Information", }, { name: "moderation", value: "Moderation", }, { name: "utilities", value: "Utilities", }, ], }, ], }, ], }, { type: 2, name: "disable", description: "Disable commands/category for the server", options: [ { type: 1, name: "command", description: "To disable commands", options: [ { type: 3, name: "name", description: "The command name to be disabled", required: true, }, ], }, { type: 1, name: "category", description: "To disable categories", options: [ { type: 3, name: "name", description: "The category name to be disabled", required: true, choices: [ { name: "codm", value: "CODM", }, { name: "config", value: "Config", }, { name: "economy", value: "Economy", }, { name: "fun", value: "Fun", }, { name: "information", value: "Information", }, { name: "moderation", value: "Moderation", }, { name: "utilities", value: "Utilities", }, ], }, ], }, ], }, { type: 1, name: "tips", description: "Configure tips settings for the server", options: [ { type: 5, name: "choice", description: "Set whether tips system is activated for the server", required: true, }, ], }, { type: 1, name: "overall", description: "See overall settings for the server", options: [], }, ], run: async (client, interaction, args, utils, data) => { if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "prefix") { await, args[1]); interaction.followUp({ content: `Saved \`${args[2]}\` as the prefix` }); } else if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "welcome") { const channel = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(args[1]); if (channel.type !== "GUILD_TEXT") { interaction.followUp({ content: "Please provide a text channel" }); } else { await, args[1]); interaction.followUp({ content: `Saved **${channel}** as the welcome channel`, }); } } else if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "goodbye") { const channel = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(args[1]); if (channel.type !== "GUILD_TEXT") { interaction.followUp({ content: "Please provide a text channel" }); } else { await, args[1]); interaction.followUp({ content: `Saved **${channel}** as the goodbye channel`, }); } } else if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "log") { const channel = interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(args[1]); if (channel.type !== "GUILD_TEXT") { interaction.followUp({ content: "Please provide a text channel" }); } else { let webhookid; let webhooktoken; await channel .createWebhook(, { avatar: interaction.guild.iconURL({ format: "png" }), }) .then(webhook => { webhookid =; webhooktoken = webhook.token; }); await,, webhookid, webhooktoken ); interaction.followUp({ content: `Saved **${channel}** as the log channel`, }); } } else if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "tips") { if (args[1]) { await, "true"); interaction.followUp({ content: `Tips is enabled in this server now.`, }); } else { await, "false"); interaction.followUp({ content: `Tips is disabled in this server now.`, }); } } else if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "enable") { const type = args[1].toLowerCase(); const name = args[2].toLowerCase(); if (type === "command") { if (!!client.slashCommands.get(name) === false) { interaction.followUp({ content: `There isn't any command/category named \`${name}\``, }); } else if (!data.Guild.Commands.includes(name)) { interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` command had already been enabled`, }); } else if ( data.Guild.Commands.includes(name) && !!client.slashCommands.get(name) === true ) { await, "command", name); interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` command is now enabled`, }); } } if (type === "category") { const category = fs.readdirSync("./command"); if (!data.Guild.Category.includes(args[2])) { interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` category had already been enabled`, }); } if ( data.Guild.Category.includes(args[2]) && category.includes(args[2]) ) { await, "category", args[2]); interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` category is now enabled`, }); } } } else if (args[0].toLowerCase() === "disable") { const type = args[1].toLowerCase(); const name = args[2].toLowerCase(); if (type === "command") { if (!!client.slashCommands.get(name) === false) { interaction.followUp({ content: `There isn't any command/category named \`${name}\``, }); } else if (data.Guild.Commands.includes(name)) { interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` command had already been disabled`, }); } else if ( !data.Guild.Commands.includes(name) && !!client.slashCommands.get(name) === true ) { await, "command", name); interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` command is now disabled`, }); } } if (type === "category") { const category = fs.readdirSync("./command"); if (data.Guild.Category.includes(args[2])) { interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` category had already been disabled`, }); } if ( !data.Guild.Category.includes(args[2]) && category.includes(args[2]) ) { await, "category", args[2]); interaction.followUp({ content: `\`${args[2]}\` category is now disabled`, }); } } } else { const d = ` **Prefix**: ${data.Guild.Prefix ? data.Guild.Prefix : "C."} **Welcome Channel**: ${ interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(data.Guild.Welcome) ? interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(data.Guild.Welcome) : "None" } **Goodbye Channel**: ${ interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(data.Guild.Goodbye) ? interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(data.Guild.Goodbye) : "None" } **Log Channel**: ${ interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(data.Guild.Log) ? interaction.guild.channels.cache.get(data.Guild.Log) : "None" } **Tips**: ${data.Guild.Tips ? "Enable" : "Disabled"} **Disabled Commands**: ${ data.Guild.Commands.length ? data.Guilds.Commands.join(",") : "None" } **Disabled Categories**: ${ data.Guild.Category.length ? data.Guilds.Category.join(",") : "None" } `; const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`**${}** Settings`) .setColor(client.color) .setFooter({ text: `Made by ${}`, iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }), }) .setTimestamp() .setDescription(d); interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed] }); } }, };