const { GiveawaysClient } = require("cath"); const client = require(".."); require("dotenv").config(); module.exports = new GiveawaysClient({ client, MongooseConnectionURI: process.env.MONGO, GiveawayMessages: { dmWinner: true, giveaway: "šŸŽ‰ **GIVEAWAY** šŸŽ‰", giveawayDescription: "šŸŽ Prize: **{award}**\nšŸŽŠ Hosted by: {hostedBy}\nā²ļø Winner(s): `{winners}` \nšŸ™ Entrants: {totalParticipants} \n\n**Requirements:** {requirements}", endedGiveawayDescription: "šŸŽ Prize: **{award}**\nšŸŽŠ Hosted by: {hostedBy}\nā²ļø Winner(s): {winners} \nšŸ™ Entrants: {totalParticipants}", giveawayFooterImage: "", winMessage: "Congratulations {winners}! You have won **{award}** from total `{totalParticipants}` entrants!", rerolledMessage: "Rerolled! {winner} is the new winner of the giveaway!", toParticipate: "**Click the `Enter` button to enter the giveaway!**", newParticipant: "You have successfully entered for this giveaway! There are total `{totalParticipants}` entrants", alreadyParticipated: "**You have already participated in this giveaway!**", noParticipants: "There isn't enough entrant in this giveaway!", noRole: "You don't have the required role(s)\n{requiredRoles}\n for the giveaway!", dmMessage: "You have won a giveaway in **{guildName}**!\nPrize: [{award}]({giveawayURL})", noWinner: "There isn't any winner in this giveaway due to not enough entrants", alreadyEnded: "The giveaway had already ended!", dropWin: "{winner} Won The Drop!!", noWeeklyExp: "you dont have the required minimum weekly xp to join this giveaway", noLevel: "You dont have the minimum required level to join this giveaway", nonoRole: "You do not have the {requiredRoles} role(s) which is required to join this giveaway", editParticipants: true, }, });