const { Client, Message, MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const { stripIndents } = require("common-tags"); const { get } = require("node-superfetch"); const playing = new Set(); module.exports = { name: "hangman", description: "Play a hangman game", category: "Fun", run: async (client, message, args) => { if (playing.has( return message.reply("Only one game may be occurring per channel."); playing.add(; try { const { body } = await get("").set( "Authorization", `Bearer MzU2MDA1NzA4MTQ5NTU1MjAy.5r4BVOkZX8L1ial8chloqopkphU0w19us0UbqgxOQOo` ); const word = body.word; let points = 0; let displayText = null; let guessed = false; const confirmation = []; const incorrect = []; const display = new Array(word.length).fill("◯"); while (word.length !== confirmation.length && points < 6) { const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(client.color) .setTitle("Hangman game").setDescription(stripIndents` ${displayText === null ? "Here we go!" : displayText ? "Good job!" : "Nope!"} \`${display.join(" ")}\`. Which letter do you choose? Incorrect Tries: ${incorrect.join(", ") || "None"} \`\`\` . ┌─────┐ . ┃ ┋ . ┃ ${points > 0 ? "O" : ""} . ┃ ${points > 2 ? "/" : " "}${points > 1 ? "|" : ""}${ points > 3 ? "\\" : "" } . ┃ ${points > 4 ? "/" : ""}${points > 5 ? "\\" : ""} ============= \`\`\` `); let m = await; const filter = res => { const choice = res.content.toLowerCase(); return ( === && !confirmation.includes(choice) && !incorrect.includes(choice) ); }; const guess = await, { max: 1, time: 30000, }); //m.delete(); if (!guess.size) { await message.reply("Sorry, time is up!"); break; } const choice = guess.first().content.toLowerCase(); if (choice === "end") break; if (choice.length > 1 && choice === word) { guessed = true; break; } else if (word.includes(choice)) { displayText = true; for (let i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { if (word.charAt(i) !== choice) continue; // eslint-disable-line max-depth confirmation.push(word.charAt(i)); display[i] = word.charAt(i); } } else { displayText = false; if (choice.length === 1) incorrect.push(choice); points++; } } playing.delete(; if (word.length === confirmation.length || guessed) return`You won. The word is **${word}**!`); return`You lost. The word is **${word}**.`); } catch (err) { playing.delete(; } }, };