const Discord = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { name: "blackjack", aliases: ["bj"], usage: "(Number)", description: "Play a blackjack game to win money", category: "Economy", timeout: 10000, run: async (client, message, args) => { const money = parseInt(args[0]); const author =; if (isNaN(money) || !money) { return client.err(message, "Economy", "blackjack", 101); } if ((await < bet) { client.err(message, "Economy", "blackjack", 20); } var numCardsPulled = 0; var gameOver = false; var player = { cards: [], score: 0, }; var dealer = { cards: [], score: 0, }; function getCardsValue(a) { var cardArray = [], sum = 0, i = 0, dk = 10.5, doubleking = "QQ", aceCount = 0; cardArray = a; for (i; i < cardArray.length; i += 1) { if ( cardArray[i].rank === "J" || cardArray[i].rank === "Q" || cardArray[i].rank === "K" ) { sum += 10; } else if (cardArray[i].rank === "A") { sum += 11; aceCount += 1; } else if (cardArray[i].rank === doubleking) { sum += dk; } else { sum += cardArray[i].rank; } } while (aceCount > 0 && sum > 21) { sum -= 10; aceCount -= 1; } return sum; } var deck = { deckArray: [], initialize: function () { var suitArray, rankArray, s, r, n; suitArray = ["b", "d", "g", "s"]; rankArray = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, "J", "Q", "K", "A"]; n = 13; for (s = 0; s < suitArray.length; s += 1) { for (r = 0; r < rankArray.length; r += 1) { this.deckArray[s * n + r] = { rank: rankArray[r], suit: suitArray[s], }; } } }, shuffle: function () { var temp, i, rnd; for (i = 0; i < this.deckArray.length; i += 1) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.deckArray.length); temp = this.deckArray[i]; this.deckArray[i] = this.deckArray[rnd]; this.deckArray[rnd] = temp; } }, }; deck.initialize(); deck.shuffle(); async function bet(outcome) { if (outcome === "win") {, money); //client.ADDbjWin(; } if (outcome === "lose") {, money); } } function endMsg(f, msg, cl, dealerC) { let cardsMsg = ""; (card) { var emAR = ["♥", "♦", "♠", "♣"]; var t = emAR[Math.floor(Math.random() * emAR.length)]; cardsMsg += "[`" + t + card.rank.toString(); if (card.suit == "d1") cardsMsg += "♥"; if (card.suit == "d2") cardsMsg += "♦"; if (card.suit == "d3") cardsMsg += "♠"; if (card.suit == "d4") cardsMsg += "♣"; cardsMsg += "`]( "; }); cardsMsg += " > " + player.score.toString(); var dealerMsg = ""; if (!dealerC) { var emAR = ["♥", "♦", "♠", "♣"]; var t = emAR[Math.floor(Math.random() * emAR.length)]; dealerMsg = "[`" + t +[0].rank.toString(); if ([0].suit == "d1") dealerMsg += "♥"; if ([0].suit == "d2") dealerMsg += "♦"; if ([0].suit == "d3") dealerMsg += "♠"; if ([0].suit == "d4") dealerMsg += "♣"; dealerMsg += " ? ?`]("; } else { dealerMsg = ""; (card) { var emAR = ["♥", "♦", "♠", "♣"]; var t = emAR[Math.floor(Math.random() * emAR.length)]; dealerMsg += "[`" + t + card.rank.toString(); if (card.suit == "d1") dealerMsg += "♥"; if (card.suit == "d2") dealerMsg += "♦"; if (card.suit == "d3") dealerMsg += "♠"; if (card.suit == "d4") dealerMsg += "♣"; dealerMsg += "`]( "; }); dealerMsg += " > " + dealer.score.toString(); } const gambleEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setColor(cl) .setTitle( + `'s Blackjack game`) .addField("You", cardsMsg, true) .addField("cath.exe", dealerMsg, true) .addField(f, msg);; } async function endGame() { if (player.score === 21) { bet("win"); gameOver = true; await endMsg( `Win! You got 21!`, `cath.exe had ${dealer.score.toString()}`, `GREEN` ); } if (player.score > 21) { bet("lose"); gameOver = true; await endMsg( `Lost! You reached over 21!`, `cath.exe had ${dealer.score.toString()}`, `RED` ); } if (dealer.score === 21) { bet("lose"); gameOver = true; await endMsg( `Lost! The dealer got 21!`, `cath.exe had ${dealer.score.toString()}`, `RED` ); } if (dealer.score > 21) { bet("win"); gameOver = true; await endMsg( `Win! cath.exe reached over 21!`, `cath.exe had ${dealer.score.toString()}`, `GREEN` ); } if ( dealer.score >= 17 && player.score > dealer.score && player.score < 21 ) { bet("win"); gameOver = true; await endMsg( `Win! You defeated cath.exe!`, `cath.exe had ${dealer.score.toString()}`, `GREEN` ); } if ( dealer.score >= 17 && player.score < dealer.score && dealer.score < 21 ) { bet("lose"); gameOver = true; await endMsg( `Lost! cath.exe won!`, `cath.exe had ${dealer.score.toString()}`, `RED` ); } if ( dealer.score >= 17 && player.score === dealer.score && dealer.score < 21 ) { gameOver = true; await endMsg( `Tie! UwU`, `cath.exe had ${dealer.score.toString()}`, `RED` ); } } function dealerDraw() {[numCardsPulled]); dealer.score = getCardsValue(; numCardsPulled += 1; } function newGame() { hit(); hit(); dealerDraw(); endGame(); } function hit() {[numCardsPulled]); player.score = getCardsValue(; numCardsPulled += 1; if (numCardsPulled > 2) { endGame(); } } function stand() { while (dealer.score < 17) { dealerDraw(); } endGame(); } newGame(); async function loop() { if (gameOver) return; endMsg("To hit type `h`, for stand type `s`", `GoodLuck ;)`, `GRAY`); let filter = m => ===; .awaitMessages(filter, { max: 1, time: 1200000, errors: ["time"], }) .then(message => { message = message.first(); if (message.content === "h" || message.content === "hit") { hit(); loop(); return; } else if (message.content === "s" || message.content === "stand") { stand(); loop(); return; } else { bet("lose"); endMsg("Invalid response", `You lost ${money}`, "RED"); return; } }) .catch(_ => {"Lost!!"); bet("lose"); return; }); } await loop(); }, };