NYX [Cath.exe]

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**NYX** _(previously known as Cath)_ is a first and only **COD Mobile Statistics & Gunsmith** Bot which also doubles as a multipurpose discord bot with many features that include but are not limited to Moderation, Music and Economy.
The Call of Duty Stats are courtesy of **Round Table** by Cygnoux Familia.

If you like this bot, feel free to :star: **Star** this repository.
> ⚠ The Verifed bot instance is current called Cath.exe, we are working on getting it changed >
# Features > _This is a Non-Exhaustive list for commands. To access the full list of commands, check out our [Documentation](https://thunder75.gitbook.io/cath-bot/core/commands)._ 🚨 **Moderation** - Classic commands like kick, ban, warn, role and many more.
📈 **Economy** - A Robust economy system, inspired by **pepe bot**
✨ **Fun Commands** - A massive collection of fun commands `(35+ commands)`
🎵 **Music** - Classic Music Commands that can play from various sources.
🛠 **Utility** - A wide range of useful commands `(Around 20)`
🕹 **Games** - Many fun games to spend your time
🎮 **Call of Duty** - Check the list of Call of Duty Mobile Commands ## **Call of Duty Mobile** - **Weapon Statistics** courtesy of **Lighthouse v2.1** > Will soon be using stats provided by **Stats On Duty**. - **Currated Gunsmith Builds** by various content creators like Jokesta, dHitman, Path.exe and more comming soon. - **Perks** detailed info about the perks. - **Scorestreak** detailed info about scorestreak with preview videos. - **Randomly Generated Class** Wanna try something challenging? try our Randomly Generated Gunsmith builds. > We also provide access to our database that includes In-depth Weapon statistics & Gunsmith Builds from various Content Creators, & other Call of duty related info, please [contact us](https://rebrand.ly/cathSupport) for more info. ## More Info [![Top language](https://img.shields.io/github/languages/top/night0721/cath.exe?labelColor=F7DF1E&color=555555&style=for-the-badge&scale=1.4)](https://github.com/night0721/cath.exe) [![CodeFactor](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/night0721/cath.js/badge?s=57e6f566f73892f4303edbfeb2fe3ea0b849c876&style=for-the-badge)](https://www.codefactor.io/repository/github/night0721/cath.js) A detailed Deployment guide can be found [here](https://thunder75.gitbook.io/cath-bot/deployment).

Support, Feature Request & Bug Reports

## Support & Feature Request Join the official [Support Server](https://rebrand.ly/cathSupport) on Discord & we will be happy to assist you.
To Request new features contact us on Discord using the support server. ## Report Bugs You can report bugs or issues by opening a issue in this repository. Alternatevely you can also contact us on Discord using the support server.


Contributions are always welcomed, but make sure to read [Contributing.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md) first. ![Contributors](https://badges.pufler.dev/contributors/night0721/cath.exe?bots=false)