const Canvas = require("canvas"); const { MessageEmbed, MessageAttachment } = require("discord.js"); const axios = require("axios"); module.exports = { name: "hexcolor", usage: "(Hex Color Code)", description: "Get Hex and RGB info of a color", category: "Utilities", type: "CHAT_INPUT", options: [ { type: 3, name: "code", description: "Color code you want to see (Example: #FF0000)", required: true, }, ], run: async (client, interaction, args) => { let color; if (args[0]) { if (/(#|0x)([0-9A-F]{6})/i.test(args[0])) { color = args[0].match(/(#|0x)([0-9A-F]{6})/i)[2]; } else { return await interaction.followUp({ content: "Please give a valid Hex Color Code", }); } } else { color = interaction.member.displayHexColor; } try { const aa = color.replace("#", "", "0x", ""); const colour = await axios.get( `${aa}` ); const canvas = Canvas.createCanvas(200, 200); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(0, 0, 200, 200); ctx.fillStyle = `${}`; ctx.fill(); const rightpic = new MessageAttachment(canvas.toBuffer(), "wea.jpg"); const canvasx = Canvas.createCanvas(500, 100); const ctxt = canvasx.getContext("2d"); let y = canvasx.height / 2; ctxt.font = "12px Roboto"; ctxt.textAlign = "center"; let addup = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ctxt.beginPath(); ctxt.rect(addup, 0, 100, 100); ctxt.fillStyle = `${[i].hex.value}`; ctxt.fill(); addup = addup + 100; ctxt.beginPath(); ctxt.rect(addup - 80, y - 15, 60, 30); ctxt.fillStyle = `black`; ctxt.fill(); ctxt.fillStyle = `white`; ctxt.fillText( `${[i].hex.value}`, addup - 51, y + 4.3 ); } const attachment = new MessageAttachment(canvasx.toBuffer(), "color.jpg"); const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor(`0x${}`) .setDescription( `\`HEX: ${} RGB: ${}\`\n🔽Color Scheme🔽` ) .setTitle("Color Information (Click here for more info)") .setURL(`${}`) .setImage("attachment://color.jpg") .setThumbnail("attachment://wea.jpg"); await interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed], files: [attachment, rightpic], }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }, };