[ "If you could be best friends with any person in the world, who would it be?", "How can governments make education more efficient?", "What is something you enjoy enjoy or like about discord?", "Do you play any sports?", "What are your plans for the weekend?", "What kind of music are you into?", "What music did you like when you were younger?", "What’s your favorite movie?", "Who’s your favorite actor / actress / director?", "Do you like cooking?", "Do you like reading books?", "Are there any books you would really recommend I read?", "Where do you wish you could go?", "What’s your favorite place you’ve been?", "What hobbies did you have when you were younger?", "What pet would you like to have?", "What current trend is going to look the silliest in 10 years?", "What subjects were hardest for you in school?", "What’s your favorite app on your phone?", "What app would you suggest everyone get?", "What’s your favorite season? And why?", "What is the longest you’ve been offline?", "What's your opinion on console or PC games?", "Do you think that VR will become mainstream in the near future?", "What is that myth that you grew up knowing but found out recently that is a lie?", "If you had to erase a movie from your mind, which one would it be?", "Have you ever wished you were born on another planet?", "What makes someone a good person?", "What qualities do you look for in a friend?" ]