const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const { Pagination } = require("cath"); const items = require("../../util/Data/item.json"); module.exports = { name: "shop", description: "Check the items from the shop", category: "Economy", options: [ { type: 3, name: "item", description: "The item you want to see", required: false, }, ], run: async (client, interaction, args, utils, data) => { if (!args[0]) { const util = new Pagination(); const list = => { return `**${value.emoji} ${ } — [${value.price.toLocaleString()} ${ client.currency }](**\n\`Aliases:\` **${value.aliases.join( ", " )}**\n\`Type:\` **${value.type}**`; }); const c = util.chunk(list, 5).map(x => x.join("\n\n")); const embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle("**NYX Shop**") .setTimestamp() .setDescription(c[0]) .setColor(client.color) .setFooter(`Page 1 of ${c.length}`); try { const msg = await interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed] }); if (list.length > 5) await util.pagination(msg, interaction.user, c); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } else { const itemToSearch = args[0].toLowerCase(); const validItem = !!items.find(item => item.aliases.includes(itemToSearch) ); if (!validItem) { interaction.followUp({ content: "The item is not valid\nIf you want to get information about the item, use `/shop`", }); } else { const theitem = items.find(i => i.aliases.includes(itemToSearch)); const all = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`${theitem.emoji} ${}`) .setDescription( ` **Owns** - ${ data.UserEcon.Inventory?.[theitem.dbname] ? data.UserEcon.Inventory?.[theitem.dbname] : 0 } **Cost Price** - ${client.currency} ${theitem.price}\n **Sell Price** - ${client.currency} ${ theitem.sellable ? theitem.sell : "Unable to sell" }\n **Aliases** - \`${theitem.aliases.join(", ")}\`\n\n` ) .setColor(client.color) .setFooter( `Made by ${}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) ) .setTimestamp(); interaction.followUp({ embeds: [all] }); } } }, };