const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { name: "slots", usage: "(Number)", timeout: 5000, description: "Win more coins by slots", category: "Economy", options: [ { type: 10, name: "cp", description: "The number of CP you want to bet", required: true, }, ], run: async (client, interaction, args) => { const max = 1000000; const slots = [ "<:blushca:852174555513618502>", "<:abusecat:853501068074942464>", "<:dumbcat:855462498550415362>", ]; const slotOne = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const slotTwo = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const slotThree = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const slotfour = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const slotfive = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const slotsix = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const slotseven = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const sloteight = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const slotnine = slots[Math.floor(Math.random() * slots.length)]; const amt = args[0]; if (amt > max) return client.serr(interaction, "Economy", "bet", 101); if ((await client.bal( < amt) { return client.serr(interaction, "Economy", "bet", 20); } if ( (slotOne === slotTwo && slotOne === slotThree) || (slotfour === slotfive && slotfour === slotsix) || (slotseven === sloteight && slotseven === slotnine) ) { const winamt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 * amt); await client.add(, winamt, interaction); await client.ADDSWin(; const won = new MessageEmbed() .setColor("GREEN") .setFooter(`Made by ${}`) .setTimestamp() .addField( "|-----|-----|----|", `| ${slotfour} | ${slotfive} | ${slotsix} |` ) .addField( "|-----|-----|----|", `| ${slotOne} | ${slotTwo} | ${slotThree} |` ) .addField( "|-----|-----|----|", `| ${slotseven} | ${sloteight} | ${slotnine} |` ) .setTitle(`${interaction.user.username} wins a slots game`) .setDescription( `You win\n**${winamt + amt}**${client.currency}\nYou now have **${ parseInt(await client.bal( - amt }**${client.currency}` ); interaction.followUp({ embeds: [won] }); } else { await client.rmv(, amt); const lost = new MessageEmbed() .setColor("RED") .setFooter(`Made by ${}`) .setTimestamp() .addField( "|-----|-----|----|", `| ${slotfour} | ${slotfive} | ${slotsix} |` ) .addField( "|-----|-----|----|", `| ${slotOne} | ${slotTwo} | ${slotThree} |` ) .addField( "|-----|-----|----|", `| ${slotseven} | ${sloteight} | ${slotnine} |` ) .setTitle(`${interaction.user.username} loses a slots game`) .setDescription( `You lost\n**${amt}**${client.currency}\nYou now have **${ parseInt(await client.bal( - amt }**${client.currency}` ); interaction.followUp({ embeds: [lost] }); } }, };