const ms = require("ms"); const { Client, Message, MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { name: "giveaway", aliases: ["gstart"], description: "Start a giveaway", usage: "(Channel) (Time) (Winners(Number)) (Prize)", UserPerm: "MANAGE_MESSAGES", /** * @param {Client} client * @param {Message} message * @param {String[]} args */ run: async (client, message, args) => { const channel = message.mentions.channels.first(); if (!channel) return client.err(message, "Giveaway", "giveaway", 28); const duration = args[1]; if (!duration) return client.err(message, "Giveaway", "giveaway", 29); const winners = parseInt(args[2]); if (!winners) return client.err(message, "Giveaway", "giveaway", 30); if (isNaN(winners)) return client.err(message, "Giveaway", "giveaway", 31); const prize = args.slice(3).join(" "); if (!prize) return client.err(message, "Giveaway", "giveaway", 32); client.giveaways.start(channel, { time: ms(duration), prize: prize, winnerCount: winners, hostedBy:, messages: { giveaway: "🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY** 🎉🎉", giveawayEnded: "🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY ENDED** 🎉🎉", timeRemaining: "Time Remaining **{duration}**!", inviteToParticipate: "React with 🎉 to enter!", winMessage: `Congratulations {winners}! You won the **${prize}**!`, noWinner: "Could not determine a winner!", embedFooter: "Made by Ń1ght", hostedBy: "Hosted by: {user}", winners: "Winner(s)", messageURL: "", endedAt: "Ends at", units: { seconds: "seconds", minutes: "minutes", hours: "hours", days: "days", pluralS: false, }, }, }); message.inlineReply(`Giveaway is started in ${channel}`); }, };