const Discord = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { name: "rockpaperscissors", description: "Play RPS with someone", usage: "(User)", category: "Fun", options: [ { type: 6, name: "user", description: "The user you want to play with", required: true, }, ], type: "CHAT_INPUT", run: async (client, interaction, args, utils) => { const user = interaction.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]); if ( == { return interaction.followUp("You can't play with yourself"); } if ( return interaction.followUp("You can't play with bots"); const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setDescription(`Wait for **${user.user.username}** to accept your game`) .setColor(client.color) .setTimestamp() .setFooter(`Made by ${}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL()); const confirm = new Discord.MessageActionRow().addComponents( new Discord.MessageButton() .setLabel("Accept") .setStyle("SUCCESS") .setCustomId("accept") .setEmoji("808683134786863124"), new Discord.MessageButton() .setLabel("Decline") .setStyle("DANGER") .setCustomId("decline") .setEmoji("808683573544353792") ); await interaction .followUp({ content: `<@!${}>`, embeds: [embed], components: [confirm], }) .then(async m => { const filter = button => ==; const collector = m.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter, type: "BUTTON", time: 60000, }); collector.on("collect", button => { if (button.customId == "decline") { button.deferUpdate(); return collector.stop("decline"); } button.deferUpdate(); const pick = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`${interaction.user.username} VS ${user.user.username}`) .setColor(client.color) .setDescription("Choose either 🪨, 📄, or ✂️") .setTimestamp(); const choices = new Discord.MessageActionRow().addComponents( new Discord.MessageButton() .setCustomId("rock") .setStyle("SECONDARY") .setEmoji("🪨"), new Discord.MessageButton() .setCustomId("paper") .setStyle("SECONDARY") .setEmoji("📄"), new Discord.MessageButton() .setCustomId("scissors") .setStyle("SECONDARY") .setEmoji("✂️") ); m.edit({ embeds: [pick], components: [choices], }); collector.stop(); const users = new Set(); users.add(; users.add(; let ping, pong; const filter = b => users.has(; const collect = m.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter, type: "BUTTON", time: 60000, }); collect.on("collect", async b => { users.delete(; if ( == { ping = b.customId; await b.reply({ content: `You have choosen **${utils.format(ping)}**`, ephemeral: true, }); } if ( == { pong = b.customId; await b.reply({ content: `You have choosen **${utils.format(pong)}**`, ephemeral: true, }); } if (users.size == 0) return collect.stop(); }); collect.on("end", (c, reason) => { if (reason == "time") { const timeout = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Timeout") .setColor("RED") .setDescription( "Game cancelled since a player didn't react in time" ); m.edit({ embeds: [timeout], }); } else { const sit1 = ping == "rock" && pong == "scissors"; const sit2 = ping == "scissors" && pong == "rock"; const sit3 = ping == "scissors" && pong == "paper"; const sit4 = ping == "paper" && pong == "scissors"; const sit5 = ping == "paper" && pong == "rock"; const sit6 = ping == "rock" && pong == "paper"; if (sit1 || sit3 || sit5) { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`${user.user.username} wins!`) .setColor("GREEN") .setFooter( `Made by ${}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL() ) .addField( `${user.user.username} choice`, `${utils.format(ping)}` ) .addField( `${interaction.user.username} choice`, `${utils.format(pong)}` ) .setTimestamp(); m.edit({ embeds: [embed], components: [], }); } else if (sit2 || sit4 || sit6) { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`${interaction.user.username} wins!`) .setColor("GREEN") .setFooter( `Made by ${}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL() ) .addField( `${interaction.user.username} choice`, `${utils.format(pong)}` ) .addField( `${user.user.username} choice`, `${utils.format(ping)}` ) .setTimestamp(); m.edit({ embeds: [embed], components: [], }); } else { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`Tie!`) .setColor("GREY") .setFooter( `Made by ${}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL() ) .addField( `${interaction.user.username} choice`, `${utils.format(pong)}` ) .addField( `${user.user.username} choice`, `${utils.format(ping)}` ) .setTimestamp(); m.edit({ embeds: [embed], components: [] }); } } }); }); collector.on("end", (collected, reason) => { if (reason == "time") { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Timeout") .setColor("RED") .setDescription( `**${user.user.username}** did not confirm before 60 seconds of time` ); m.edit({ embeds: [embed], components: [], }); } if (reason == "decline") { const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Declined") .setColor("RED") .setDescription( `**${user.user.username}** has declined your game of RPS` ); m.edit({ embeds: [embed], components: [], }); } }); }); }, };