#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vip.h" #include "term.h" #include "bar.h" #define CTRL_KEY(k) ((k) & 0x1f) enum editorKey { ARROW_LEFT = 1000, ARROW_RIGHT, ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, DEL_KEY, HOME_KEY, END_KEY, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN }; editor vip; int read_key() { int nread; char c; while ((nread = read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1)) != 1) { if (nread == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) { die("read"); } } if (c == 'k') return ARROW_UP; if (c == 'j') return ARROW_DOWN; if (c == 'l') return ARROW_RIGHT; if (c == 'h') return ARROW_LEFT; if (c == '\x1b') { char seq[3]; if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &seq[0], 1) != 1) return '\x1b'; if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &seq[1], 1) != 1) return '\x1b'; if (seq[0] == '[') { if (seq[1] >= '0' && seq[1] <= '9') { if (read(STDIN_FILENO, &seq[2], 1) != 1) return '\x1b'; if (seq[2] == '~') { switch (seq[1]) { case '1': return HOME_KEY; case '3': return DEL_KEY; case '4': return END_KEY; case '5': return PAGE_UP; case '6': return PAGE_DOWN; case '7': return HOME_KEY; case '8': return END_KEY; } } } else { switch (seq[1]) { case 'A': return ARROW_UP; case 'B': return ARROW_DOWN; case 'C': return ARROW_RIGHT; case 'D': return ARROW_LEFT; case 'F': return END_KEY; case 'H': return HOME_KEY; } } } else if (seq[0] == 'O') { switch (seq[1]) { case 'F': return END_KEY; case 'H': return HOME_KEY; } } return '\x1b'; } else { return c; } } int row_cx_to_rx(row *row, int cx) { int rx = 0; for (int j = 0; j < cx; j++) { if (row->chars[j] == '\t') { rx += (TAB_SIZE - 1) - (rx % TAB_SIZE); } rx++; } return rx; } void update_row(row *row) { int tabs = 0; for (int j = 0; j < row->size; j++) if (row->chars[j] == '\t') tabs++; free(row->render); row->render = malloc(row->size + tabs * (TAB_SIZE - 1) + 1); int idx = 0; for (int j = 0; j < row->size; j++) { if (row->chars[j] == '\t') { row->render[idx++] = ' '; while (idx % TAB_SIZE != 0) { row->render[idx++] = ' '; } } else { row->render[idx++] = row->chars[j]; } } row->render[idx] = '\0'; row->render_size = idx; } void append_row(char *s, size_t len) { vip.row = realloc(vip.row, sizeof(row) * (vip.rows + 1)); int at = vip.rows; vip.row[at].size = len; vip.row[at].chars = malloc(len + 1); memcpy(vip.row[at].chars, s, len); vip.row[at].chars[len] = '\0'; vip.row[at].render_size = 0; vip.row[at].render = NULL; update_row(&vip.row[at]); vip.rows++; } void open_editor(char *filename) { free(vip.filename); vip.filename = strdup(filename); FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!fp) { die("fopen"); } char *line = NULL; size_t linecap = 0; ssize_t len; while ((len = getline(&line, &linecap, fp)) != -1) { /* remove new line and carriage return at end of line */ while (len > 0 && (line[len - 1] == '\n' || line[len - 1] == '\r')) { len--; } append_row(line, len); } free(line); fclose(fp); } void abAppend(struct abuf *ab, const char *s, int len) { char *new = realloc(ab->b, ab->len + len); if (new == NULL) return; memcpy(&new[ab->len], s, len); ab->b = new; ab->len += len; } void abFree(struct abuf *ab) { free(ab->b); } void scroll() { vip.rx = 0; if (vip.cy < vip.rows) { vip.rx = row_cx_to_rx(&vip.row[vip.cy], vip.cx); } if (vip.cy < vip.rowoff) { vip.rowoff = vip.cy; } if (vip.cy >= vip.rowoff + vip.screenrows) { vip.rowoff = vip.cy - vip.screenrows + 1; } if (vip.rx < vip.coloff) { vip.coloff = vip.rx; } if (vip.rx >= vip.coloff + vip.screencols) { vip.coloff = vip.rx - vip.screencols + 1; } } void draw_rows(struct abuf *ab) { for (int y = 0; y < vip.screenrows; y++) { int filerow = y + vip.rowoff; if (filerow >= vip.rows) { if (vip.rows == 0 && y == vip.screenrows / 3) { char welcome[11]; int welcomelen = snprintf(welcome, sizeof(welcome), "VIP v%s", VERSION); if (welcomelen > vip.screencols) welcomelen = vip.screencols; int padding = (vip.screencols - welcomelen) / 2; if (padding) { abAppend(ab, "~", 1); padding--; } while (padding--) abAppend(ab, " ", 1); abAppend(ab, welcome, welcomelen); } else { abAppend(ab, "~", 1); } } else { int len = vip.row[filerow].render_size - vip.coloff; if (len < 0) len = 0; if (len > vip.screencols) len = vip.screencols; abAppend(ab, &vip.row[filerow].render[vip.coloff], len); } abAppend(ab, "\x1b[K", 3); abAppend(ab, "\r\n", 2); } } void refresh_screen() { scroll(); struct abuf ab = ABUF_INIT; abAppend(&ab, "\x1b[?25l", 6); abAppend(&ab, "\x1b[H", 3); draw_rows(&ab); draw_status_bar(&ab); draw_message_bar(&ab); char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\x1b[%d;%dH", (vip.cy - vip.rowoff) + 1, (vip.rx - vip.coloff) + 1); abAppend(&ab, buf, strlen(buf)); abAppend(&ab, "\x1b[?25h", 6); write(STDOUT_FILENO, ab.b, ab.len); abFree(&ab); } void move_cursor(int key) { row *row = (vip.cy >= vip.rows) ? NULL : &vip.row[vip.cy]; switch (key) { case ARROW_LEFT: if (vip.cx != 0) { vip.cx--; } break; case ARROW_RIGHT: if (row && vip.cx < row->size) { vip.cx++; } break; case ARROW_UP: if (vip.cy != 0) { vip.cy--; } break; case ARROW_DOWN: if (vip.cy < vip.rows) { vip.cy++; } break; } row = (vip.cy >= vip.rows) ? NULL : &vip.row[vip.cy]; int rowlen = row ? row->size : 0; if (vip.cx > rowlen) { vip.cx = rowlen; } } void process_key() { int c = read_key(); switch (c) { case CTRL_KEY('q'): write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[2J", 4); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[H", 3); exit(0); break; case HOME_KEY: vip.cx = 0; break; case END_KEY: if (vip.cy < vip.rows) { vip.cx = vip.row[vip.cy].size; } break; case PAGE_UP: case PAGE_DOWN: { if (c == PAGE_UP) { vip.cy = vip.rowoff; } else if (c == PAGE_DOWN) { vip.cy = vip.rowoff + vip.screenrows - 1; if (vip.cy > vip.rows) vip.cy = vip.rows; } int times = vip.screenrows; while (times--) move_cursor(c == PAGE_UP ? ARROW_UP : ARROW_DOWN); } break; case ARROW_UP: case ARROW_DOWN: case ARROW_LEFT: case ARROW_RIGHT: move_cursor(c); break; } } void init_editor() { vip.cx = 0; vip.cy = 0; vip.rx = 0; vip.rowoff = 0; vip.coloff = 0; vip.rows = 0; vip.row = NULL; vip.filename = NULL; vip.statusmsg[0] = '\0'; vip.statusmsg_time = 0; if (get_window_size(&vip.screenrows, &vip.screencols) == -1) { die("get_window_size"); } vip.screenrows -= 2; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { setup_term(); init_editor(); if (argc >= 2) { open_editor(argv[1]); } set_status_bar_message("Ctrl-Q = Quit"); while (1) { refresh_screen(); process_key(); } return 0; }