#define VERSION "0.0.1" #define TAB_SIZE 4 /* THEME */ /* 38 and 48 is reversed as bar's color is reversed */ #define SURFACE_0_BG "\033[38;2;49;50;68m" #define SURFACE_1_BG "\033[38;2;69;71;90m" #define OVERLAY_2_BG "\033[38;2;147;153;178m" #define BLACK_FG "\033[40m" #define BLACK_BG "\033[30m" #define WHITE_FG "\033[48;2;205;214;244m" #define WHITE_BG "\033[38;2;205;214;244m" #define BLUE_FG "\033[44m" #define BLUE_BG "\033[34m" #define GREEN_FG "\033[42m" #define GREEN_BG "\033[32m" #define PEACH_FG "\033[48;2;250;179;135m" #define PEACH_BG "\033[38;2;250;179;135m" #define SKY_FG "\033[48;2;137;220;235m" #define SKY_BG "\033[38;2;137;220;235m" #define MAUVE_FG "\033[48;2;203;166;247m" #define MAUVE_BG "\033[38;2;203;166;247m" #define YELLOW_BG "\033[33m" #define RED_FG "\033[41m" #define RED_BG "\033[31m" #define TEAL_FG "\033[46m" #define TEAL_BG "\033[36m" #define PINK_FG "\033[45m" #define PINK_BG "\033[35m" /* ERROR is red with bold and italic */ #define ERROR "\033[31;1;3m" enum keys { BACKSPACE = 127, ARROW_LEFT = 1000, ARROW_RIGHT, ARROW_UP, ARROW_DOWN, DEL_KEY, HOME_KEY, END_KEY, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN }; enum modes { NORMAL, INSERT, VISUAL, COMMAND }; enum highlight { DEFAULT = 0, SYMBOL, COMMENT, TERMINATOR, MLCOMMENT, KW, KW_TYPE, KW_FN, KW_BRACKET, STRING, CHAR, ESCAPE, NUMBER, MATCH, RESET }; typedef struct { int idx; int size; int render_size; char *chars; char *render; unsigned char *hl; int opened_comment; } row_t; #define MAX_KEYWORDS 100 #define MAX_EXTENSIONS 10 typedef struct { char *filetype; char *singleline_comment_start; char *multiline_comment_start; char *multiline_comment_end; char *keywords[MAX_KEYWORDS]; char *extensions[MAX_EXTENSIONS]; } language_t; typedef struct { int x, y; /* chars x, y */ int rx; /* render x */ int rowoff; int coloff; int rows; row_t *row; int dirty; int mode; char filename[PATH_MAX]; char cwd[PATH_MAX]; language_t *syntax; } editor_t; language_t langs[] = { { "c", "//", "/*", "*/", { "const", "switch", "if", "while", "for", "break", "continue", "return", "else", "struct", "union", "typedef", "static", "enum", "case", "sizeof", "#include", "#define", "#if", "#elseif", "#endif", "int|", "long|", "double|", "float|", "char|", "unsigned|", "void|", "size_t|", "uint8_t|", NULL }, { ".c", ".h", ".cpp", NULL }, }, }; #define LANGS_LEN (sizeof(langs) / sizeof(langs[0])) #define CTRL_KEY(k) ((k) & 0x1f) #define COLOR_LEN 19