#include "config.h" #include "packet.h" #include "util.h" #include "client/ui.h" #include "client/db.h" #include "client/user.h" WINDOW *panel; WINDOW *users_border; WINDOW *chat_border; WINDOW *users_content; WINDOW *textbox; WINDOW *chat_content; ArrayList *users; ArrayList *marked; message_t messages[100]; int num_messages = 0; long current_user = 0; int current_window = 0; int sockfd; /* For tracking cursor position in content */ static int curs_pos = 0; static char content[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH]; void send_message(); /* * Free and close everything */ void deinit() { shutdown(sockfd, SHUT_WR); close(sockfd); arraylist_free(users); arraylist_free(marked); endwin(); } void signal_handler(int signal) { switch (signal) { case SIGPIPE: error(0, "SIGPIPE received"); break; case SIGABRT: case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: deinit(); error(1, "Shutdown signal received"); break; } } /* * Start ncurses */ void ncurses_init() { /* check if it is interactive shell */ if (!isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { error(1, "No tty detected. zen requires an interactive shell to run"); } /* initialize screen, don't print special chars, * make ctrl + c work, don't show cursor * enable arrow keys */ initscr(); noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* check terminal has colors */ if (!has_colors()) { endwin(); error(1, "Color is not supported in your terminal"); } else { use_default_colors(); start_color(); } /* colors */ init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, -1); /* */ init_pair(2, COLOR_RED, -1); /* */ init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, -1); /* active window */ init_pair(4, COLOR_YELLOW, -1); /* */ init_pair(5, COLOR_BLUE, -1); /* inactive window */ init_pair(6, COLOR_MAGENTA, -1); /* */ init_pair(7, COLOR_CYAN, -1); /* Selected user */ init_pair(8, COLOR_WHITE, -1); /* */ } /* * Draw windows */ void windows_init() { int users_width = MAX_NAME / 2; int chat_width = COLS - (MAX_NAME / 2); /*------------------------------+ |-----border----||---border----|| || || || || content || content || || (users) || (chat) || || ||-------------|| |---------------||-textbox-----|| +==========panel===============*/ /* lines, cols, y, x */ panel = newwin(PANEL_HEIGHT, COLS, LINES - PANEL_HEIGHT, 0 ); users_border = newwin(LINES - PANEL_HEIGHT, users_width + 2, 0, 0 ); chat_border = newwin(LINES - PANEL_HEIGHT - TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, chat_width - 2, 0, users_width + 2); textbox = newwin(TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, chat_width - 2, LINES - PANEL_HEIGHT - TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, users_width + 3); /* lines, cols, y, x */ users_content = subwin(users_border, LINES - PANEL_HEIGHT - 2, users_width, 1, 1 ); chat_content = subwin(chat_border, LINES - PANEL_HEIGHT - 2 - TEXTBOX_HEIGHT, chat_width - 4, 1, users_width + 3); /* draw border around windows */ refresh(); draw_border(users_border, true); draw_border(chat_border, false); scrollok(textbox, true); scrollok(users_content, true); scrollok(chat_content, true); refresh(); } /* * Draw the border of the window depending if it's active or not */ void draw_border(WINDOW *window, bool active) { /* turn on color depends on active */ if (active) { wattron(window, COLOR_PAIR(3)); } else { wattron(window, COLOR_PAIR(5)); } box(window, 0, 0); /* turn color off after turning it on */ if (active) { wattroff(window, COLOR_PAIR(3)); } else { wattroff(window, COLOR_PAIR(5)); } wrefresh(window); /* Refresh the window to see the colored border and title */ } /* * Print line to the panel */ void wpprintw(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); wclear(panel); vw_printw(panel, fmt, args); va_end(args); wrefresh(panel); } /* * Highlight current line by reversing the color */ void draw_users() { long overflow = 0; /* Check if the current selected user is not shown in rendered text */ if (current_user > LINES - 3) { /* overflown */ overflow = current_user - (LINES - 3); } /* Calculate number of users to show */ long range = users->length; /* Stop drawing if there is no users */ if (range == 0) { wprintw(chat_content, "No users. Start a converstation."); wrefresh(chat_content); return; } if (range > LINES - 3) { /* if there are more users than lines available to display * shrink range to avaiable lines to display with * overflow to keep the number of iterations to be constant */ range = LINES - 3 + overflow; } /* Clears content before printing */ wclear(users_content); /* To keep track the line to print after overflow */ long line_count = 0; for (long i = overflow; i < range; i++) { /* Check for currently selected user */ if ((overflow == 0 && i == current_user) || (overflow != 0 && i == current_user)) { /* current selected user should have color reversed */ wattron(users_content, A_REVERSE); /* check for marked users */ long num_marked = marked->length; if (num_marked > 0) { /* Determine length of formatted string */ int m_len = snprintf(NULL, 0, "[%ld] selected", num_marked); char *selected = memalloc(m_len + 1); snprintf(selected, m_len + 1, "[%ld] selected", num_marked); wpprintw("(%ld/%ld) %s", current_user + 1, users->length, selected); } else { wpprintw("(%ld/%ld)", current_user + 1, users->length); } } /* print the actual filename and stats */ user seluser = users->items[i]; size_t name_len = strlen(seluser.name); /* If length of name is longer than half of allowed size in window, * trim it to end with .. to show the it is too long to be displayed */ int too_long = 0; if (name_len > MAX_NAME / 2) { name_len = MAX_NAME / 2; too_long = 1; } char line[name_len]; if (too_long) { strncpy(line, seluser.name, name_len - 2); strncat(line, "..", 2); } else { strcpy(line, seluser.name); } int color = users->items[i].color; /* check is user marked for action */ bool is_marked = arraylist_search(marked, users->items[i].name) != -1; if (is_marked) { /* show user is selected */ wattron(users_content, COLOR_PAIR(7)); } else { /* print username with default color */ wattron(users_content, COLOR_PAIR(color)); } if (overflow > 0) { mvwprintw(users_content, line_count, 0, "%s", line); } else { mvwprintw(users_content, i, 0, "%s", line); } /* turn off color after printing */ if (is_marked) { wattroff(users_content, COLOR_PAIR(7)); } else { wattroff(users_content, COLOR_PAIR(color)); } wattroff(users_content, A_REVERSE); line_count++; } wrefresh(users_content); wrefresh(panel); /* show chat conversation every time cursor changes */ show_chat(users->items[current_user].name); wrefresh(chat_content); } void add_message(uint8_t *author, uint8_t *recipient, uint8_t *content, uint32_t length, time_t creation) { message_t *msg = &messages[num_messages]; strcpy(msg->author, author); strcpy(msg->recipient, recipient); msg->content = memalloc(length); strcpy(msg->content, content); msg->creation = creation; num_messages++; } /* * Add message to chat window * if flag is 1, print date as well * user_color is the color defined above at ncurses_init */ void print_message(int flag, message_t *msg) { struct tm *timeinfo = localtime(&msg->creation); char timestr[21]; if (flag) { strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", timeinfo); } else { strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%H:%M:%S", timeinfo); } wprintw(chat_content, "%s ", timestr); wattron(chat_content, A_BOLD); int user_color = get_user_color(users, msg->author); wattron(chat_content, COLOR_PAIR(user_color)); wprintw(chat_content, "<%s> ", msg->author); wattroff(chat_content, A_BOLD); wattroff(chat_content, COLOR_PAIR(user_color)); int i = 0; int n = strlen(msg->content); int in_bold = 0, in_italic = 0, in_underline = 0, in_block = 0; int last_active_color = -1; while (i < n) { /* Bold */ if (msg->content[i] == '*' && msg->content[i + 1] == '*') { if (!in_bold) { /* Look ahead for the matching closing delimiter */ int closing_pos = i + 2; while (closing_pos < n && !(msg->content[closing_pos] == '*' && msg->content[closing_pos + 1] == '*')) { closing_pos++; } if (closing_pos < n) { wattron(chat_content, A_BOLD); in_bold = 1; } else { /* Treat as regular text if closing delimiter */ waddch(chat_content, msg->content[i++]); } } else { wattroff(chat_content, A_BOLD); in_bold = 0; } /* Skip */ i += 2; /* Italic */ } else if (msg->content[i] == '*') { if (!in_italic) { /* Look ahead for the matching closing delimiter */ int closing_pos = i + 1; while (closing_pos < n && msg->content[closing_pos] != '*') { closing_pos++; } if (closing_pos < n) { wattron(chat_content, A_ITALIC); in_italic = 1; } else { /* Treat as regular text if closing delimiter */ waddch(chat_content, msg->content[i++]); } } else { wattroff(chat_content, A_ITALIC); in_italic = 0; } /* Skip */ i += 1; /* Underline */ } else if (msg->content[i] == '_') { if (!in_underline) { /* Look ahead for the matching closing delimiter */ int closing_pos = i + 1; while (closing_pos < n && msg->content[closing_pos] != '_') { closing_pos++; } if (closing_pos < n) { wattron(chat_content, A_UNDERLINE); in_underline = 1; } else { /* Treat as regular text if closing delimiter */ waddch(chat_content, msg->content[i++]); } } else { wattroff(chat_content, A_UNDERLINE); in_underline = 0; } /* Skip */ i += 1; /* Block */ } else if (msg->content[i] == '`') { if (!in_block) { /* Look ahead for the matching closing delimiter */ int closing_pos = i + 1; while (closing_pos < n && msg->content[closing_pos] != '`') { closing_pos++; } if (closing_pos < n) { wattron(chat_content, A_STANDOUT); in_block = 1; } else { /* Treat as regular text if closing delimiter */ waddch(chat_content, msg->content[i++]); } } else { wattroff(chat_content, A_STANDOUT); in_block = 0; } /* Skip */ i += 1; /* Allow escape sequence for genuine backslash */ } else if (msg->content[i] == '\\' && msg->content[i + 1] == '\\') { /* Print a literal backslash */ waddch(chat_content, '\\'); /* Skip both backslashes */ i += 2; /* Color, new line and tab */ } else if (msg->content[i] == '\\') { /* Skip the backslash and check the next character */ i++; /* Handle color codes \1 to \8 */ if (msg->content[i] >= '1' && msg->content[i] <= '8') { /* Convert char to int */ int new_color = msg->content[i] - '0'; if (new_color == last_active_color) { /* Turn off current color */ wattroff(chat_content, COLOR_PAIR(last_active_color)); /* Reset last active color */ last_active_color = -1; } else { if (last_active_color != -1) { /* Turn off previous color */ wattroff(chat_content, COLOR_PAIR(last_active_color)); } last_active_color = new_color; /* Turn on new color */ wattron(chat_content, COLOR_PAIR(new_color)); } i++; /* Handle new line */ } else if (msg->content[i] == 'n') { waddch(chat_content, '\n'); /* Skip the 'n' */ i++; } else { /* Invalid sequence, just print the backslash and character */ waddch(chat_content, '\\'); waddch(chat_content, msg->content[i]); i++; } } else { /* Print regular character */ waddch(chat_content, msg->content[i]); i++; } } /* Ensure attributes are turned off after printing */ wattroff(chat_content, A_BOLD); wattroff(chat_content, A_ITALIC); wattroff(chat_content, A_UNDERLINE); wattroff(chat_content, A_STANDOUT); for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) { wattroff(chat_content, COLOR_PAIR(i)); } } /* * Get chat conversation into buffer and show it to chat window */ void show_chat(uint8_t *recipient) { wclear(chat_content); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { message_t message = messages[i]; if (message.content == NULL) continue; /* Find messages from recipient to client or vice versa */ /* outgoing = 1, incoming = 2 */ /* if message to print is older than previous message by a day, * enable flag in print_message to include date */ int print_date = 0; if (i > 0 && messages[i - 1].content != NULL && message.creation >= messages[i - 1].creation + 86400) { print_date = 1; } if (strncmp(message.author, USERNAME, MAX_NAME) == 0 && strncmp(message.recipient, recipient, MAX_NAME) == 0) { print_message(print_date, &message); continue; } if (strncmp(message.author, recipient, MAX_NAME) == 0 && strncmp(message.recipient, USERNAME, MAX_NAME) == 0) { print_message(print_date, &message); continue; } } wrefresh(chat_content); /* after printing move cursor back to textbox */ wmove(textbox, 0, curs_pos + 2); wrefresh(textbox); } /* * Require heap allocated username */ void add_username(char *username) { int randomco = rand() % 8; arraylist_add(users, username, randomco, false, false); } void get_chatbox_content(int ch) { if (ch == KEY_BACKSPACE || ch == 127) { if (curs_pos > 0) { curs_pos--; content[curs_pos] = '\0'; } } /* Append it to the content if it is normal character */ else if (curs_pos < MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH - 1) { /* Filter readable ASCII */ if (ch > 31 && ch < 127) { content[curs_pos++] = ch; content[curs_pos] = '\0'; } } /* Display the current content */ mvwprintw(textbox, 0, 0, "> %s", content); wrefresh(textbox); } void send_message() { uint8_t *recipient = users->items[current_user].name; keypair_t *kp_from = get_keypair(USERNAME); uint8_t *pk_to = get_pk_from_ks(recipient); /* ed25519 */ int status = ZSM_STA_SUCCESS; uint8_t *shared_key = get_sharedkey(recipient); if (shared_key == NULL) { uint8_t shared_key[SHARED_KEY_SIZE]; /* Key exchange need to be done with x25519 public and secret keys */ uint8_t from_pk[PK_X25519_SIZE]; uint8_t to_pk[PK_X25519_SIZE]; uint8_t from_sk[SK_X25519_SIZE]; crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(from_pk, kp_from->pk.raw); crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(to_pk, pk_to); crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(from_sk, kp_from->sk); if (crypto_kx_client_session_keys(shared_key, NULL, from_pk, from_sk, to_pk) != 0) { deinit(); /* Recipient public key is suspicious */ error(1, "Error performing key exchange with %s", recipient); } save_sharedkey(recipient, shared_key); } size_t content_len = strlen(content); uint32_t cipher_len = content_len + ADDITIONAL_SIZE; uint8_t nonce[NONCE_SIZE], encrypted[cipher_len]; /* Generate random nonce(number used once) */ randombytes_buf(nonce, sizeof(nonce)); /* Encrypt the content and store it to encrypted, should be cipher_len */ crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt(encrypted, NULL, content, content_len, NULL, 0, NULL, nonce, shared_key); size_t data_len = MAX_NAME * 2 + NONCE_SIZE + cipher_len; uint8_t *data = memalloc(data_len); uint8_t recipient_padded[MAX_NAME]; strcpy(recipient_padded, recipient); size_t length = strlen(recipient); if (length < MAX_NAME) { /* Pad with null characters up to max length */ memset(recipient_padded + length, 0, MAX_NAME - length); } else { deinit(); error(1, "Recipient username must be shorter than MAX_NAME"); } /* Construct data */ memcpy(data, kp_from->pk.username, MAX_NAME); memcpy(data + MAX_NAME, recipient, MAX_NAME); memcpy(data + MAX_NAME * 2, nonce, NONCE_SIZE); memcpy(data + MAX_NAME * 2 + NONCE_SIZE, encrypted, cipher_len); uint8_t *signature = create_signature(data, data_len, kp_from->sk); packet_t *pkt = create_packet(1, ZSM_TYP_MESSAGE, data_len, data, signature); if (send_packet(pkt, sockfd) != ZSM_STA_SUCCESS) { close(sockfd); write_log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to send message"); } add_message(USERNAME, recipient, content, content_len, time(NULL)); free_packet(pkt); show_chat(recipient); } /* * Main loop of user interface */ void ui(int *fd) { signal(SIGPIPE, signal_handler); signal(SIGABRT, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); ncurses_init(); windows_init(); sockfd = *fd; users = arraylist_init(LINES); marked = arraylist_init(100); sqlite_init(); get_users(); draw_users(); refresh(); while (1) { if (current_window == CHAT_WINDOW) { wclear(textbox); mvwprintw(textbox, 0, 0, "> %s", content); wrefresh(textbox); wmove(textbox, 0, curs_pos + 2); /* Set cursor to visible */ curs_set(2); } else { /* Set cursor to invisible */ curs_set(0); } int ch = getch(); switch (ch) { /* go up by k or up arrow */ case UP: if (current_window == USERS_WINDOW) { if (current_user > 0) current_user--; draw_users(); } break; /* go down by j or down arrow */ case DOWN: if (current_window == USERS_WINDOW) { if (current_user < (users->length - 1)) current_user++; draw_users(); } break; /* A is normally for left and E for right */ case CTRLA: case CTRLE: current_window ^= 1; if (current_window == USERS_WINDOW) { draw_border(users_border, true); draw_border(chat_border, false); } else { draw_border(chat_border, true); draw_border(users_border, false); } break; case CLEAR_INPUT: if (current_window == CHAT_WINDOW) { curs_pos = 0; content[0] = '\0'; } case ENTER: if (current_window == CHAT_WINDOW) { content[curs_pos++] = ch; content[curs_pos++] = '\0'; send_message(); /* Reset for new input */ curs_pos = 0; /* Set content[0] for printing purposes */ content[0] = '\0'; } break; default: if (current_window == CHAT_WINDOW) get_chatbox_content(ch); } } deinit(); return; }