
Minecraft 1.19 multipurpose plugin for spigot servers with a lot of features where most modern servers have.
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      1 package me.night.nullvalkyrie.database;
      3 import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
      4 import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
      5 import org.bson.Document;
      6 import org.bukkit.Material;
      8 import java.util.ArrayList;
      9 import java.util.HashMap;
     10 import java.util.List;
     12 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
     13 public class CustomWeaponsDataManager {
     14     public HashMap<String, Object> getWeapon(String itemName) {
     15         HashMap<String, Object> item = new HashMap<>();
     16         try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = new DatabaseManager().getCustomWeaponsDB().find(Filters.eq("Name", itemName)).cursor()) {
     17             while (cursor.hasNext()) {
     18                 Document doc =;
     19                 String name = doc.getString("Name");
     20                 Document lore = (Document) doc.get("Lore");
     21                 Document ability = (Document) lore.get("Ability");
     22                 Document properties = (Document) lore.get("Properties");
     23                 HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> lores = new HashMap<>();
     24                 HashMap<String, Object> abi = new HashMap<>();
     25                 HashMap<String, Object> prop = new HashMap<>();
     26                 abi.put("Name", ability.getString("Name"));
     27                 List<String> details = new ArrayList<>();
     28                 if (ability.get("Details") != null) details.addAll((List<String>) ability.get("Details"));
     29                 abi.put("Details", details);
     30                 for (String a : properties.keySet()) prop.put(a, properties.get(a));
     31                 lores.put("Ability", abi);
     32                 lores.put("Properties", prop);
     33                 Document enchants = (Document) doc.get("Enchants");
     34                 Document attributes = (Document) doc.get("Attributes");
     35                 HashMap<String, Object> ench = new HashMap<>();
     36                 HashMap<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<>();
     37                 for (String a : enchants.keySet()) ench.put(a, enchants.get(a));
     38                 for (String a : attributes.keySet()) attr.put(a, attributes.get(a));
     39                 Document pdc = (Document) doc.get("PDC");
     40                 HashMap<String, Object> pdcdata = new HashMap<>();
     41                 if (pdc != null) for (String a : pdc.keySet()) pdcdata.put(a, pdc.get(a));
     42                 Document recipe = (Document) doc.get("Recipes");
     43                 HashMap<String, Object> recipes = new HashMap<>();
     44                 if (recipe != null) {
     45                     Document ing = (Document) recipe.get("Ingredients");
     46                     HashMap<String, String> ingredients = new HashMap<>();
     47                     for (String i : ing.keySet())
     48                         ingredients.put(i, ing.getString(i));
     49                     List<String> shapes = new ArrayList<>();
     50                     if (recipe.get("Shapes") != null) shapes.addAll((List<String>) recipe.get("Shapes"));
     51                     recipes.put("Shape", shapes);
     52                     recipes.put("Amount", recipe.getInteger("Amount"));
     53                     recipes.put("Ingredients", ingredients);
     54                 }
     55                 item.put("Name", name);
     56                 item.put("Material", Material.matchMaterial(doc.getString("Material")));
     57                 item.put("Type", doc.getString("Type"));
     58                 item.put("Rarity", doc.getString("Rarity"));
     59                 item.put("Lore", lores);
     60                 item.put("Enchants", ench);
     61                 item.put("Attributes", attr);
     62                 item.put("PDC", pdcdata);
     63                 item.put("Recipes", recipes);
     64             }
     65             return item;
     66         }
     67     }
     69     public static HashMap<String, Object> getWeapons() {
     70         HashMap<String, Object> list = new HashMap<>();
     71         try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = new DatabaseManager().getCustomWeaponsDB().find().cursor()) {
     72             while (cursor.hasNext()) {
     73                 Document doc =;
     74                 HashMap<String, Object> item = new HashMap<>();
     75                 String name = doc.getString("Name");
     76                 Document lore = (Document) doc.get("Lore");
     77                 Document ability = (Document) lore.get("Ability");
     78                 Document properties = (Document) lore.get("Properties");
     79                 HashMap<String, HashMap<String, Object>> lores = new HashMap<>();
     80                 HashMap<String, Object> abi = new HashMap<>();
     81                 HashMap<String, Object> prop = new HashMap<>();
     82                 abi.put("Name", ability.getString("Name"));
     83                 List<String> details = new ArrayList<>();
     84                 if (ability.get("Details") != null) details.addAll((List<String>) ability.get("Details"));
     85                 abi.put("Details", details);
     86                 for (String a : properties.keySet()) prop.put(a, properties.get(a));
     87                 lores.put("Ability", abi);
     88                 lores.put("Properties", prop);
     89                 Document enchants = (Document) doc.get("Enchants");
     90                 Document attributes = (Document) doc.get("Attributes");
     91                 HashMap<String, Object> ench = new HashMap<>();
     92                 HashMap<String, Object> attr = new HashMap<>();
     93                 for (String a : enchants.keySet()) ench.put(a, enchants.get(a));
     94                 for (String a : attributes.keySet()) attr.put(a, attributes.get(a));
     95                 item.put("Name", name);
     96                 item.put("Material", Material.matchMaterial(doc.getString("Material")));
     97                 item.put("Type", doc.getString("Type"));
     98                 item.put("Rarity", doc.getString("Rarity"));
     99                 item.put("Lore", lores);
    100                 item.put("Enchants", ench);
    101                 item.put("Attributes", attr);
    102                 list.put(name, item);
    103             }
    104             return list;
    105         }
    106     }
    107 }