
Minecraft 1.19 multipurpose plugin for spigot servers with a lot of features where most modern servers have.
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      1 package me.night.nullvalkyrie.database;
      3 import com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor;
      4 import me.night.nullvalkyrie.entities.npcs.NPCManager;
      5 import org.bson.Document;
      7 import java.util.ArrayList;
      8 import java.util.HashMap;
      9 import java.util.List;
     12 public class NPCDataManager {
     13     public static void setNPC(String name, double x, double y, double z, int pitch, int yaw, String world, String texture, String signature) {
     14         Document document = new DatabaseManager().getNPCsDB().find(new Document("Name", name)).first();
     15         if (document != null) {
     16             System.out.println("A NPC with this name already exist");
     17         } else {
     18             Document newDocument = new Document();
     19             newDocument.put("Name", name);
     20             newDocument.put("x", x);
     21             newDocument.put("y", y);
     22             newDocument.put("z", z);
     23             newDocument.put("pitch", pitch);
     24             newDocument.put("yaw", yaw);
     25             newDocument.put("world", world);
     26             newDocument.put("texture", texture);
     27             newDocument.put("signature", signature);
     28             new DatabaseManager().getNPCsDB().insertOne(newDocument);
     29         }
     30     }
     32     public static void reloadNPC() {
     33         List<HashMap<String, Object>> npcList = new ArrayList<>();
     34         try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = new DatabaseManager().getNPCsDB().find().cursor()) {
     35             while (cursor.hasNext()) {
     36                 Document document =;
     37                 HashMap<String, Object> npc = new HashMap<>();
     38                 String name = document.getString("Name");
     39                 double x = document.getDouble("x");
     40                 double y = document.getDouble("y");
     41                 double z = document.getDouble("z");
     42                 int pitch = document.getInteger("pitch");
     43                 int yaw = document.getInteger("yaw");
     44                 String world = document.getString("world");
     45                 String texture = document.getString("texture");
     46                 String signature = document.getString("signature");
     47                 npc.put("name", name);
     48                 npc.put("x", x);
     49                 npc.put("y", y);
     50                 npc.put("z", z);
     51                 npc.put("pitch", pitch);
     52                 npc.put("yaw", yaw);
     53                 npc.put("world", world);
     54                 npc.put("texture", texture);
     55                 npc.put("signature", signature);
     56                 npcList.add(npc);
     57             }
     58         }
     59         NPCManager.reloadNPC(npcList);
     60     }
     61 }