log will use the editor defined in the `EDITOR` environment variable to open notes. If `EDITOR` is not defined, you will need to define it in your shell configuration file.
Default file extension is `.md` and it can be changed in `config.h` file as you like. Once you change the extension, you need to recompile the program to apply the changes and the new notes will have different boilerplates. However, all commands will not work for old notes with the previous extension.
When adding note, you can add a slash to indicate a subdirectory. For example, `log -I maths/ch1` will create a note called `ch1` in `maths` folder. **Note**: You can't create a note in a non-existing folder. You need to create the folder first manually.
Unlike pass, you don't need to use `log init` to initialise the store, it is automatically created once you use any command. The store is either in HOME or XDG_CONFIG_HOME if it is defined.