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2021-11-18 19:09:53 +01:00
// const common = require("../../util/functions/common");
// const data = require("../../util/Data/data.json");
// const Discord = require("discord.js");
// // Ignore this for now, it's just a outline of what needs to be changed to fit the new data from Mongo
// var currGun,
// currStats,
// currAttachments,
// currRecoilArr,
// currDRM,
// interpretion,
// recoilAvailable,
// chart,
// hasError;
// var errMsg = "*Generic placeholder error message*";
// module.exports = {
// name: "stats",
// description: "Check gun stats",
// usage: "(Gun)",
// category: "CODM",
// options: [
// {
// type: 3,
// name: "gun_name",
// description: "Name of the gun",
// required: true,
// choices: [],
// },
// {
// type: 3,
// name: "1st_attchment",
// description: "First attachment",
// },
// {
// type: 3,
// name: "2nd_attchment",
// description: "Second attachment",
// },
// {
// type: 3,
// name: "3rd_attchment",
// description: "Third attachment",
// },
// {
// type: 3,
// name: "4th_attchment",
// description: "Forth attachment",
// },
// {
// type: 3,
// name: "5th_attchment",
// description: "Fifth attachment",
// },
// ],
// run: async (client, interaction, args) => {
// recoilAvailable = false;
// hasError = false;
// console.log(args);
// var repEmb = statsHandler(args.join(" ").replace("\n", " "));
// if (hasError) {
// interaction.followUp({ embeds: [repEmb] });
// }
// if (recoilAvailable) { //we will use the old recoil graphs untill we can find someone to help update it.
// repEmb.fields.push({
// name: "**Recoil Graph**",
// value:
// "```\nThe Recoil graph below is dynamic (change based on attachment equipped)```",
// });
// const recoilImageLink = await chart.getShortUrl();
// repEmb.image = { url: recoilImageLink };
// }
// interaction.followUp({ embeds: [repEmb] });
// },
// };
// // Don't need (use: to split the input by + (which was used to add attachments before slash commands))
// function inpHandler(inpmsg) {
// statsHandler(inpmsg.split("+")[0]);
// }
// function statsHandler(inpmsg) {
// // Don't need here, use from json (will be easier to add stuff in future)
// var statsNames = [
// "Pellets",
// "Detonation Range",
// "Explosion Radius",
// "Explosion Damage",
// "Firing Mode",
// "Rate of Fire",
// "Bullet in Burst",
// "Time Between Burst",
// "Bullet Speed",
// "Penetration Level",
// "Bullet Spread",
// "Idle Sway",
// "Hipfire Pellet Spread",
// "ADS Pellet Spread",
// "ADS Time",
// "Sprint-to-Fire Time",
// "ADS Zoom",
// "Magazine",
// "Reserve",
// "Reload Type",
// "Cancel Reload Time",
// "Reload Time",
// "Full Reload Time",
// "Drop Time",
// "Raise Time",
// "Sprinting Speed",
// "Walking Speed",
// "Straifing Speed",
// "Damage per Tick",
// "Number of Ticks",
// "Time Between Ticks",
// "Breath Hold Time",
// "shouldNeverHappen0",
// "shouldNeverHappen1",
// "shouldNeverHappen2",
// "shouldNeverHappen3",
// "shouldNeverHappen4",
// ],
// out = []; // This stores all the feilds
// currGun = common.weaponIdentifier(inpmsg); // inpMsg should be replaced by args[0] (i.e the gun name)
// if (typeof currGun == "string") {
// hasError = true;
// return currGun;
// }
// currStats = currGun.stats; // access stats using mongo
// currDRM = currGun.drm[0]; // Same ^
// currAttachments = [];
// currAttachments = common.attachmentsIdentifier(
// inpmsg, // this was supposed to be the full input msg, but we need to madify it so it just gets a attachment name and uses it so no need for isolator
// currGun.aments, //Sends the stats for all the attachment of that gun
// currStats //sends the base stat of the gun for calculation
// );
// if (typeof currAttachments == "string") {
// hasError = true;
// return currAttachments;
// }
// currRecoilArr = [1, 1, currGun.stats[17]];
// if (currAttachments.length != 0) {
// var totalEffects = common.totaler(currAttachments);
// currStats = common.updateStatswithEffects(totalEffects, currStats);
// currRecoilArr = [totalEffects[2], totalEffects[3], currGun.stats[17]]; //must happen after currStats update
// currDRM = currGun.drm[totalEffects[37]];
// currDRM.range = currDRM.range.map(x =>
// Math.round(x * (1 + totalEffects[13] / 100))
// );
// out = common.attachmentHandler(totalEffects, currStats);
// }
// function statsWorker() {
// if (currStats[19] === 2) {
// currStats[21] =
// currStats[20] + currStats[21] * currStats[17] + currStats[22];
// currStats[20] = 0;
// currStats[22] = 0;
// }
// currStats[25] = (currStats[25] * currStats[26]) / 100;
// var outReady = currStats.map((x, i) =>
// x ? statsNames[i].padEnd(24) + ":".padEnd(3) + beautifier(i) : ""
// );
// out = [
// ...[
// "Basic Stats",
// "ADS Stats",
// "Bullet Stats",
// "Magazine",
// "Handling Stats",
// "Mobility Stats",
// "Miscellaneous Stats",
// ].map((x, i) =>
// fieldMaker(
// x,
// [
// [04, 05, 09],
// [14, 16, 11, 31],
// [00, 06, 07, 08, 10, 12, 13],
// [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22],
// [23, 24],
// [25, 26, 27, 15],
// [28, 29, 30, 01, 02, 03],
// ][i]
// )
// ),
// ...out,
// ];
// function fieldMaker(inpName, inpIndx) {
// inpIndx = inpIndx.filter(x => outReady[x]);
// return inpIndx.length
// ? {
// name: "**" + inpName + "**",
// value: "```\n" + inpIndx.map(x => outReady[x]).join("\n") + "```",
// }
// : "";
// }
// }
// statsWorker();
// function beautifier(j) {
// switch (j) {
// case 04:
// return data.firingModes[currStats[j] - 1];
// case 09:
// return data.penetrationLevels[currStats[j] - 1];
// case 19:
// return data.reloadTypes[currStats[j] - 1];
// case 08:
// if (currStats[j] == -1) {
// return "Infinity";
// } else {
// return parseFloat(currStats[j].toFixed(2)).toString() + " m/s";
// }
// case 03:
// return parseFloat(currStats[j].toFixed(2))
// .toString()
// .replace(".", " ~ ");
// default:
// return parseFloat(currStats[j].toFixed(2)).toString() + addUnit(j);
// }
// function addUnit(j) { //Needs modification to match the new layout
// switch (j) {
// case 07:
// case 14:
// case 15:
// case 23:
// case 24:
// case 31:
// return " ms";
// case 27:
// case 28:
// case 25:
// case 26:
// return " m/s";
// case 20:
// case 21:
// case 22:
// return " s";
// case 16:
// return "%";
// case 06:
// return " Rounds";
// case 05:
// return " RPM";
// default:
// return "";
// }
// }
// }
// interpretion = currGun.gunname + common.interpretioner(currAttachments);
// if (currGun.recoil.hr.length > 2) {
// chart = common.recoilHandler(
// currGun.recoil.hr,
// currGun.recoil.vr,
// currRecoilArr[0],
// currRecoilArr[1],
// currRecoilArr[2]
// );
// recoilAvailable = true;
// } else {
// recoilAvailable = false;
// }
// if (chart == "none") {
// recoilAvailable = false;
// }
// if (chart == "err" || currAttachments == "err") {
// hasError = true;
// return "Cocaineeee";
// }
// var dmg =
// common.damageHandler(
// currDRM.damage,
// currDRM.range,
// 1,
// 100,
// 60000 / currStats[5],
// currStats[7],
// currStats[6],
// currStats[0]
// ) || "```This should never happen```";
// out = [
// currGun.description
// ? {
// name: "**Description:**",
// value: "```\n" + currGun.description + "```",
// }
// : {},
// { name: "**Damage Profile:**", value: dmg },
// ...out,
// ];
// out = out.filter(x => x.value);
// return {
// title: interpretion,
// color: 5814783,
// fields: out,
// footer: {
// text: "All data courtesy of Round Table",
// icon_url:
// "", //update the icon later
// },
// };
// }