night0721 bc346138dd Bot
2021-06-12 18:53:51 +08:00

767 lines
22 KiB

const data = require("../Data/data.json");
const guns = data.cguns;
const QuickChart = require("quickchart-js");
const nmDt = require("../Data/aliases.json");
var weaponActualName = nmDt.weaponActualName;
var weaponAlliasName = nmDt.weaponAlliasName;
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, "Simplify", {
value: function Simplify() {
return this.toLowerCase().replace(/[^0-9a-z]/g, "");
writable: true,
configurable: true,
Object.defineProperty(Number.prototype, "IsPositive", {
value: function IsPositive() {
if (this > 0) {
return true;
return false;
writable: true,
configurable: true,
Object.defineProperty(Number.prototype, "IsNegative", {
value: function IsNegative() {
if (this < 0) {
return true;
return false;
writable: true,
configurable: true,
Object.defineProperty(Number.prototype, "ToBool", {
value: function ToBool() {
if (this == 1) {
return true;
return false;
writable: true,
configurable: true,
Object.defineProperty(Number.prototype, "PlusHL", {
value: function PlusHL() {
if (this.toString()[0] == "-") {
return parseFloat(this.toFixed(2)).toString();
return "+" + parseFloat(this.toFixed(2)).toString();
writable: true,
configurable: true,
function weaponIdentifier(inpmsg) {
var inpWeaponName = isolator(inpmsg)[0];
if (inpWeaponName.length < 2) {
return inpmsg
? "The name `" + inpmsg + "` is too short."
: "Empty weapon name";
var probableWeapons = [];
for (let i = 0; i < guns.length; i++) {
if (inpWeaponName.Simplify() == guns[i].gunname.Simplify()) {
return guns[i];
} else if (guns[i].gunname.Simplify().includes(inpWeaponName.Simplify())) {
if (probableWeapons.length == 1) {
return guns[probableWeapons[0]];
for (let i = 0; i < weaponAlliasName.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < weaponAlliasName[i].length; j++) {
/*if (weaponAlliasName[i][j].Simplify().includes(inpWeaponName.Simplify())) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < guns.length; i2++) {
if (weaponActualName[i].Simplify() == guns[i2].gunname.Simplify()) {
if (weaponAlliasName[i][j].Simplify() == inpWeaponName.Simplify()) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < guns.length; i2++) {
if (weaponActualName[i].Simplify() == guns[i2].gunname.Simplify()) {
return guns[i2];
probableWeapons = [...new Set(probableWeapons)];
if (probableWeapons.length == 1) {
return guns[probableWeapons[0]];
if (probableWeapons.length > 1) {
return (
"Did you mean `" +
.map(x => guns[x].gunname)
.reduce((out, x, i) =>
[out, x].join(i === probableWeapons.length - 1 ? "` or `" : "`, `")
) +
return "Couldn't identify the weapon: `" + '"' + inpWeaponName + '"`';
function isolator(inpmsg) {
if (inpmsg.includes(" + ")) {
var out = inpmsg
.split(" + ")
.map(x => x.split("+"))
return [out.shift(), out.join(", ")];
return inpmsg.split(" with ");
function hasAttachments(inpmsg) {
if (
inpmsg.split(" with ").filter(x => x.Simplify()).length > 1 ||
inpmsg.split(" + ").filter(x => x.Simplify()).length > 1
) {
return true;
return false;
function attachmentsIdentifier(inpmsg, attachmentsData) {
var inpmsg1 = inpmsg,
inpmsg3 = inpmsg.split(" ").filter(x => x),
inpmsg2 = inpmsg3.shift().toLowerCase(),
inpmsg5 = inpmsg3.join(" ");
inpmsg =
inpmsg2 == "akim" || inpmsg2 == "akimbo"
? inpmsg5 + (hasAttachments(inpmsg) ? " + " : ", ") + "akimbo"
: inpmsg;
/*var replacer = [
'Stopping Power',
].map(x => x.Simplify());
var replacee = [
].map(x => x.Simplify());
replacee.map(x => x.filter(y => inpmsg.includes(y)));*/
var g1 = [];
g1 = inpmsg.split(/ with | + /);
var givenAttachmentsNames = g1.split(/ & | , /);*/
if (!hasAttachments(inpmsg)) {
return [];
var inputAttachmentsNames = isolator(inpmsg)[1]
.split(/ & |, |,| and /)
.filter(x => x);
var tooSmall = inputAttachmentsNames.filter(x => x.length < 3);
inputAttachmentsNames = inputAttachmentsNames.filter(x => !(x.length < 3));
var errorMsgs = "",
errors = [],
unidentifined = [];
if (inputAttachmentsNames.length == 00) {
errorMsgs += "\nAttachments are missing!\n";
if (inputAttachmentsNames.length >= 10) {
return "Cocaineeeeee";
var splitAttachmentsDataName = [],
outAttachments = [];
for (let i = 0; i < attachmentsData.length; i++) {
...new Set(
.split(" ")
.filter(x => x)
.map(x => x.trim())
if (Math.max(...splitAttachmentsDataName.map(x => x.length)) > 6) {
return "Cocaineeeeee";
for (let j = 0; j < splitAttachmentsDataName[i].length; j++) {
splitAttachmentsDataName[i][j] =
for (let i = 0; i < inputAttachmentsNames.length; i++) {
var probables = [];
var splitInputAttachmentsName = inputAttachmentsNames[i].split(" ");
for (let j = 0; j < splitAttachmentsDataName.length; j++) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < splitAttachmentsDataName[j].length; i2++) {
for (let i3 = 0; i3 < splitInputAttachmentsName.length; i3++) {
if (
) {
var probablePushed = false;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < probables.length; i4++) {
if (!probables[i4].includes(j)) {
probablePushed = true;
if (!probablePushed) {
if (probables.length == 0) {
var curr = probables[probables.length - 1];
var temp1 = probables[probables.length - 1].filter(
x =>
attachmentsData[x].name.Simplify() ==
var temp2 = probables[probables.length - 1].filter(
x =>
splitAttachmentsDataName[x].length == splitInputAttachmentsName.length
if (temp1.length === 1 && temp2.length !== 1) {
if (temp1.length !== 1 && temp2.length === 1) {
if (temp1.length === 1 && temp2.length === 1 && temp1[0] == temp2[0]) {
//console.log(probables[probables.length - 1].length);
if (
probables[probables.length - 1].length != 1 ||
probables.length < splitInputAttachmentsName.length
) {
//errors.push(probables[probables.length - 1]);
"`" +
.map(x => attachmentsData[x].name)
.reduce((out, x, i) =>
[out, x].join(i === curr.length - 1 ? "` or `" : "`, `")
) +
'` by `"' +
inputAttachmentsNames[i] +
outAttachments.push(attachmentsData[probables[probables.length - 1][0]]);
/*if (errors.length && unidentifined.length) {
return "Couldn't identify the attachment" + (unidentifined.length === 1 ? "" : "s") + ': `"' + unidentifined.join('"`, `"') + '"`\n\nDid you mean `' + errors.map((p, j) => p.map(x => attachmentsData[x].name).reduce((out, x, i) => [out, x].join(i === p.length - 1 ? '` or `' : '`, `')) + '` by `"' + inputAttachmentsNames[j + unidentifined.length] + '"`').join(";\n`") + "?";
if (errors.length) {
//return "Did you mean " + errors.map((p, j) => p.map(x => attachmentsData[x].name).reduce((out, x, i) => [out, x].join(i === p.length - 1 ? '` or `' : '`, `')) + '` by `"' + inputAttachmentsNames[j] + '"`').join(";\n") + "?";
return "\nDid you mean " + errors.join(";\n") + "?\n";
if (unidentifined.length) {
return "\nCouldn't identify the attachment" + (unidentifined.length === 1 ? "" : "s") + ': `"' + unidentifined.join('"`, `"') + '"`\n';
/*var sameAttachments = outAttachments.filter((x,i,a)=> a.indexOf(x)!==i);
if (sameAttachments.length) {
sameAttachments = [...sameAttachments, ...new Set(sameAttachments.map((x, i) => outAttachments.indexOf(x)))];
var t1 = outAttachments.map(x => x.effects[35]);
var t2 = outAttachments.map(x => x.effects[36] + x.effects[32]);
errorMsgs +=
t1.indexOf(1) !== -1
? "Can't equip Muzzle with `" +
'"' +
outAttachments[t1.indexOf(1)].name +
: "";
errorMsgs +=
t2.indexOf(1) !== -1
? "Can't equip Optics with `" +
'"' +
outAttachments[t2.indexOf(1)].name +
: "";
errorMsgs += errors.length
? "\nDid you mean " + errors.join(";\n") + "?\n"
: "";
errorMsgs += unidentifined.length
? "\nCouldn't identify the attachment" +
(unidentifined.length === 1 ? "" : "s") +
': `"' +
unidentifined.join('"`, `"') +
: "";
errorMsgs +=
outAttachments.length > 5 ? "\nCan't equip more than 5 attachments!\n" : "";
errorMsgs += outAttachments.filter((x, i, a) => a.indexOf(x) !== i).length
? "\nMultiple of same attachments found!\n"
: "";
errorMsgs += outAttachments
.map(x => x.type)
.filter((x, i, a) => a.indexOf(x) !== i).length
? "\nMultiple of attachments the same type found!\n"
: "";
errorMsgs += tooSmall.length
? "\nThe name" +
(tooSmall.length === 1 ? "" : "s") +
': `"' +
tooSmall.reduce((out, x, i) =>
[out, x].join(i === curr.length - 1 ? '"` and `"' : '"`, `"')
) +
'"` ' +
(tooSmall.length === 1 ? "is" : "are") +
" too short\n"
: "";
return errorMsgs ? errorMsgs.trim() : outAttachments;
//console.log(attachmentsIdentifier("ak with mag, red sight, red dot, ll", data.cguns[0].aments));// makeError();
//console.log(attachmentsIdentifier("ak with mdfgt, skjs", data.cguns[0].aments)); makeError();
//console.log(attachmentsIdentifier("117 + 40 round mag", data.cguns[0].aments)); makeError();
//console.log(attachmentsIdentifier("117 + rtc muzzle brake, rubberized griptape, tac lazer sight, 40 round mag, no stock", data.cguns[1].aments)); makeError();
function damageHandler(
) {
//console.log([currDmgs, currRngs, damageMulti, hp, tbs, tbb, bib, pellets]);
//tbs = timeBetweenShots
//tbb = timeBetweenBurst
//bib = bulletsInBurst
currRngs = currRngs.filter(x => x < 100).map(x => Math.round(x));
currDmgs.length = currRngs.length + 1;
currDmgs = currDmgs.map(x => Math.round(x * damageMulti));
var currSTKs = currDmgs.map(x => stk(x)),
currTTKs = currDmgs.map(x => ttk(x)),
currPDmg = null,
n = Math.max(...currTTKs.map(x => x.toString().length));
n = n < 3 ? 3 : n;
function worker1(inp) {
return inp.map(x => x.toString().padStart(n)).join(" -- ") + "\n";
function worker2(inp) {
return (
"".padStart(n + 1) +
inp.map(x => x.toString().padStart(2)).join("".padStart(n + 2)) +
function stk(dmg) {
var out;
if (!pellets) {
out = Math.ceil(hp / dmg);
} else {
out = Math.ceil(hp / (dmg * pellets));
out = out == Infinity ? "∞" : out;
return out;
function ttk(dmg) {
var stkVal = stk(dmg);
if (stkVal == "∞") {
return stkVal;
if (!bib) {
return Math.round((stkVal - 1) * tbs);
var out = 0;
if (dmg > 0) {
if (stkVal % bib == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor(stkVal / bib) - 1; i++) {
out += tbs * (bib - 1) + tbb;
out = out + tbs * (bib - 1);
} else if (stkVal % bib != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i <= Math.floor(stkVal / bib) - 1; i++) {
out += tbs * (bib - 1) + tbb;
for (var i = 0; i < (stkVal % bib) - 1; i++) {
out += tbs;
out = Math.round(out);
if (out == Infinity) {
return "∞";
} else {
out = "No";
return out;
if (pellets) {
currPDmg = currDmgs.map(x => x + " x" + pellets);
n = Math.max(...currPDmg.map(x => x.toString().length));
return (
"```Damage : " +
worker1(currPDmg || currDmgs) +
(pellets ? "Total : " + worker1(currDmgs.map(x => x * pellets)) : "") +
"STK : " +
worker1(currSTKs) +
"TTK : " +
worker1(currTTKs) +
"Range : " +
(currRngs.length ? worker2(currRngs) : worker1(["∞"])) +
//console.log(damageHandler([30, 25, 20], [10, 20], 1, 100, 60000 / 720, 0, 0)); makeError();
//console.log(damageHandler([ 33, 23 ], [ 39 ], 1, 100, 109.0909090909091, 0, 0 )); makeError();
function recoilHandler(
) {
if (xRecoil.length != yRecoil.length) {
return "err";
var recoilLength = xRecoil.length;
if (recoilLength == 0) {
return "none";
var recoilPattern = [
x: 0,
y: 0,
var recoilObj;
for (let i = 0; i < bulletCount; i++) {
var xContinuationVal =
xRecoil[recoilLength - 1] - xRecoil[recoilLength - 2];
var yContinuationVal =
yRecoil[recoilLength - 1] - yRecoil[recoilLength - 2];
if (i < recoilLength) {
recoilObj = {
x: xRecoil[i] * (1 + xMultiplier / 100),
y: yRecoil[i] * (1 + yMultiplier / 100),
} else {
recoilObj = {
(recoilPattern[recoilPattern.length - 1].x + xContinuationVal) *
(recoilPattern[recoilPattern.length - 1].y + yContinuationVal) *
var chart = new QuickChart();
type: "scatter",
data: {
datasets: [
data: recoilPattern,
showLine: true,
fill: false,
borderColor: "rgba(0, 200, 0, 1)",
options: {
/*plugins: {
backgroundImageUrl: 'https://www.codmdatabase.ml/display.png'
legend: {
display: false,
scales: {
yAxes: [
ticks: {
display: false,
min: 0,
max: 5050,
xAxes: [
ticks: {
display: false,
min: -4495,
max: 4495,
return chart;
function updateStatswithEffects(inpEffects, inpStats) {
var l = inpStats[18] / inpStats[17];
var outStats = inpStats;
/*if (inpEffects[09] != 0) { inpStats[25] += inpEffects[09]; }
if (inpEffects[29] != 0) { inpStats[00] += inpEffects[29]; }
inpStats[17] += inpEffects[27];*/
var inpStatsarr = [01, 02, 05, 10, 11, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 31];
var inpEfecsarr = [17, 18, 16, 04, 19, 01, 10, 14, 14, 14, 06, 07, 42]; //Efecs is short for Effects
for (let i = 0; i < inpEffects.length; i++) {
if (inpEffects[inpEfecsarr[i]] != 0) {
outStats[inpStatsarr[i]] *= (inpEffects[inpEfecsarr[i]] + 100) / 100;
var inpStatsarr = [03, 04, 16, 28, 29, 30];
var inpEfecsarr = [20, 38, 00, 39, 40, 41]; //Efecs is short for Effects
for (let i = 0; i < inpEffects.length; i++) {
if (inpEffects[inpEfecsarr[i]] != 0) {
outStats[inpStatsarr[i]] = inpEffects[inpEfecsarr[i]];
var inpStatsarr = [00, 17, 25];
var inpEfecsarr = [29, 27, 09]; //Efecs is short for Effects
for (let i = 0; i < inpEffects.length; i++) {
if (inpEffects[inpEfecsarr[i]] != 0) {
outStats[inpStatsarr[i]] += inpEffects[inpEfecsarr[i]];
if (inpEffects[43] != 0 && inpStats[08] != -1) {
outStats[08] *= (inpEffects[43] + 100) / 100;
if (inpEffects[16] != 0) {
outStats[07] *= inpEffects[16] / -100 + 1;
outStats[18] = inpStats[17] * l;
outStats[25] = (inpStats[26] * inpStats[25]) / 100; //must occur after inpStats[26]
//no 06, 09, 12, 13, 19, 23, 24
return outStats;
function attachmentHandler(currEffects, currStats) {
var pos = [],
neg = [];
if (currEffects[0] > currStats[16]) {
currEffects[0] +
"% zoom (+" +
(currEffects[0] - currStats[16]) +
"% zoom)"
} else if (currEffects[0] != 0 && currEffects[0] != currStats[16]) {
currEffects[0] +
"% zoom (-" +
(currStats[16] - currEffects[0]) +
"% zoom)"
if (currEffects[0] != 0 && currStats[16] <= 110) {
pos.push("Easier to Aim");
negGood1(01, "ADS time");
negGood1(02, "Vertical Recoil");
negGood1(03, "Horizontal Recoil");
negGood1(04, "Bullet Spread");
negGood1(05, "Moving Bullet Spread");
posGood1(06, "Mobility");
posGood1(07, "ADS Mobility");
negGood1(08, "Recoil when Crouched or Prone");
posGood1(09, "Sprint Mobility");
negGood1(10, "Sprint to Fire Time");
negGood1(11, "Flinch");
negGood1(12, "Hipfire Spread");
posGood1(13, "Damage Range");
negGood1(14, "Reload Time");
posGood1(15, "Headshot Damage");
posGood1(16, "Rate of Fire");
posGood1(17, "Detonation Range");
posGood1(18, "Explosion Radius");
negGood1(19, "Idle Sway");
if (currEffects[20] > currStats[3]) {
currEffects[20].ToString().Replace(".", " ~ ") + " Explosion Damage"
} else if (currEffects[20] != 0 && currEffects[20] != currStats[3]) {
currEffects[20].ToString().Replace(".", " ~ ") + " Explosion Damage"
negGood3(21, "+Visible Laser when not ADS-ed");
negGood3(22, "+Visible Laser when ADS-ed");
negGood3(23, "+Visible Laser");
posGood3(24, "+Silenced Gunfire");
posGood3(25, "-Muzzle Flash");
posGood3(26, "Reworked Damage");
posGood2(27, "Rounds/Mag");
posGood2(28, "Rounds/Tube");
posGood2(29, "Pellets per Shot");
posGood2(30, "Damage Over Time");
posGood3(31, "Damage per Shot");
posGood3(32, "Reworked ADS");
posGood3(33, "-Melee QTE Time");
if (currEffects[34] == 1) {
pos.push("+Damage per Pellet");
} else if (currEffects[34] == -1) {
neg.push("-Damage per Pellet");
negGood3(35, "Can Not use Muzzle");
negGood3(36, "Can Not ADS");
if (currEffects[37] != 0) {
pos.push("New Leathality Profile");
if (currEffects[38] != 0 && currEffects[38] < currStats[4]) {
"Turns to " +
["Full Auto", "Burst", "Semi Auto", "Pump Action", "Bolt Action"][
currEffects[38] - 1
} else if (currEffects[38] != 0 && currEffects[38] != currStats[4]) {
"Turns to " +
["Full Auto", "Burst", "Semi Auto", "Pump Action", "Bolt Action"][
currEffects[38] - 1
posGood2(39, "Tick Damage");
posGood2(40, "Ticks");
negGood2(41, "ms Tick Interval");
posGood2(42, "Breath Holding Time");
posGood1(43, "Bullet Speed");
if (currEffects[44] == 1) {
pos.push("+Penetraion Damage");
} else if (currEffects[44] == -1) {
neg.push("-Penetraion Damage");
posGood2(45, "Round" + (currEffects[45] - 1 ? "s" : "") + " in Reserve");
function posGood1(i, ext) {
if (currEffects[i].IsPositive()) {
pos.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + "% " + ext);
} else if (currEffects[i].IsNegative()) {
neg.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + "% " + ext);
function negGood1(i, ext) {
if (currEffects[i].IsNegative()) {
pos.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + "% " + ext);
} else if (currEffects[i].IsPositive()) {
neg.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + "% " + ext);
function posGood2(i, ext) {
if (currEffects[i].IsPositive()) {
pos.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + " " + ext);
} else if (currEffects[i].IsNegative()) {
neg.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + " " + ext);
function negGood2(i, ext) {
if (currEffects[i].IsNegative()) {
pos.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + " " + ext);
} else if (currEffects[i].IsPositive()) {
neg.push(currEffects[i].PlusHL() + " " + ext);
function posGood3(i, ext) {
if (currEffects[i].ToBool()) {
function negGood3(i, ext) {
if (currEffects[i].ToBool()) {
return (
"\nPositives :\n```ini\n[" +
pos.join("]\n[") +
"]```\nNegatives :\n```css\n[" +
neg.join("]\n[") +
console.log("Full directory : " + __filename);
console.log("Current file : " + __filename.split("/").pop());
console.log("Without extenstion : " + __filename.split("/").pop().split(".")[0]);
function interpretioner(inpAttachments) {
return inpAttachments.length
? " with " + inpAttachments.map(x => x.name).join(", ")
: "";
function totaler(inpAttachments) {
var totalEffects = inpAttachments[0].effects;
for (let j = 1; j < inpAttachments.length; j++) {
for (let i2 = 0; i2 < totalEffects.length; i2++) {
totalEffects[i2] += inpAttachments[j].effects[i2];
return totalEffects;
function makeError() {
var m;
module.exports = {