2021-11-19 02:09:53 +08:00

82 lines
2.6 KiB

const { MessageEmbed, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } = require("discord.js");
const draws = require("./util/Data/draws.json");
module.exports = {
name: "draw",
description: "Buy a lucky draw",
run: async (client, message, args, utils) => {
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("**__Daily Lucky Draw__**")
.setFooter(`Made by ${client.author}`, client.user.displayAvatarURL())
"Welcome to the Lucky Draw,\nclick `Spin`, so that the draw spins and hits a random item.\nClick `Info` to find out how high the probability is\n that a particular item will be unlocked"
draws[0].map(c => {
return { name: c.name, value: c.emoji, inline: true };
const button1 = new MessageButton()
const button2 = new MessageButton()
const row = new MessageActionRow().addComponents([button1, button2]);
const msg = await message.channel.send({
embeds: [embed],
components: [row],
const filter = i =>
["spin", "spininfo"].includes(i.customId) &&
i.user.id === message.author.id;
const collector = msg.createMessageComponentCollector({
time: 999999,
function select() {
let pick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
for (const g in draws[0]) {
pick -= draws[0][g].percent;
if (pick <= 0) {
return `You got **${draws[0][g].name}** with propability **${draws[0][g].percent}%**`;
collector.on("collect", i => {
if (i.customId === "spin") {
content: select(),
if (i.customId === "spininfo") {
embeds: [
new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle("**__Information Table__**")
draws[0].map(c => {
return {
name: `**${c.name}**`,
value: `Percentage: ${c.percent}%`,
inline: true,
.addField("Name:", "**Item 1**")
.addField("Percent:", "**69**")
.addField("Emoji:", ":bughuntergold:"),