
The first CODM discrod bot -- cath.exe Template
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effects.js (5292B)

      1 const common = require("../../util/functions/common");
      2 const data = require("../../util/Data/data.json");
      4 let currGun, currAttachments, interpretion, hasError;
      5 const errMsg = "*Generic placeholder error message*";
      7 module.exports = {
      8   name: "effects",
      9   description: "Check gun effects",
     10   usage: "(Gun)",
     11   category: "CODM",
     12   options: [
     13     {
     14       type: 7,
     15       name: "gun",
     16       description: "Gun name",
     17       required: true,
     18     },
     19   ],
     20   run: async (client, interaction, args) => {
     21     const repEmb = attachments(args[0].replace("\n", " "));
     22     if (hasError) {
     23       interaction.followUp({ embeds: [repEmb] });
     24     } else {
     25       interaction.followUp({ embeds: [repEmb] });
     26     }
     27   },
     28 };
     30 function attachments(inpmsg) {
     31   const out = "",
     32     at = data.attachmentTypes.map(x => (x.slice(-1) === "s" ? x : x + "s"));
     33   if (inpmsg.includes("+") && inpmsg.includes(":")) {
     34     hasError = true;
     35     return "Bro, can u liek, not do that?";
     36   }
     37   if (inpmsg.includes(":")) {
     38     const inpAll = inpmsg
     39         .split(":")
     40         .map(x => x.trim())
     41         .filter(x => x),
     42       inpType = inpAll.length === 2 ? inpAll[1] : null;
     43     if (!inpType) {
     44       hasError = true;
     45       return inpAll.length < 2
     46         ? "Empty " + (inpAll[0] ? "" : "weapon name and ") + "attachment type"
     47         : "Multiple `:`s detected";
     48     }
     49     currGun = common.weaponIdentifier(inpAll[0]);
     50     if (typeof currGun == "string") {
     51       hasError = true;
     52       return currGun;
     53     }
     54     let currAttachmentsType = at.filter(x => simplify(x) == simplify(inpType));
     55     currAttachmentsType = currAttachmentsType.length
     56       ? currAttachmentsType
     57       : at.filter(
     58           x => simplify(x.substring(0, x.length - 1)) == simplify(inpType)
     59         );
     60     currAttachmentsType = currAttachmentsType.length
     61       ? currAttachmentsType
     62       : at.filter(x => simplify(x).includes(simplify(inpType)));
     63     if (currAttachmentsType.length === 0) {
     64       hasError = true;
     65       return "Couldn't identify `" + inpType + "`";
     66     } else if (currAttachmentsType.length === 1) {
     67       currAttachmentsType = at.indexOf(currAttachmentsType[0]);
     68     } else {
     69       hasError = true;
     70       return (
     71         "Did you mean `" +
     72         currAttachmentsType.reduce((out, x, i) =>
     73           [out, x].join(
     74             i === currAttachmentsType.length - 1 ? "` or `" : "`, `"
     75           )
     76         ) +
     77         "`"
     78       );
     79     }
     80     return {
     81       title: currGun.gunname,
     82       color: 11348938,
     83       fields: [
     84         {
     85           name:
     86             "**" +
     87             currGun.gunname +
     88             "** has the following " +
     89             at[currAttachmentsType],
     90           value:
     91             "```\n" +
     92             currGun.aments
     93               .filter(x => x.type - 1 === currAttachmentsType)
     94               .map(x => x.name)
     95               .join("\n") +
     96             "```",
     97         },
     98       ],
     99       footer: {
    100         text: "All the stats courtesy of Project Lighthouse",
    101         icon_url:
    102           "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/735590814662656102/806960573753327657/cc.png?width=638&height=638",
    103       },
    104     };
    105     function simplify(v) {
    106       return v.toLowerCase().replace(/[^0-9a-z]/g, "");
    107     }
    108   }
    109   currGun = common.weaponIdentifier(inpmsg);
    110   if (typeof currGun == "string") {
    111     hasError = true;
    112     return currGun;
    113   }
    114   hasAttachments = common.hasAttachments(inpmsg);
    115   currAttachments = [];
    116   if (hasAttachments) {
    117     currAttachments = common.attachmentsIdentifier(inpmsg, currGun);
    118     if (typeof currAttachments == "string") {
    119       hasError = true;
    120       return currAttachments;
    121     }
    122     return {
    123       title: currGun.gunname + common.interpretioner(currAttachments),
    124       color: 11348938,
    125       fields: common.attachmentHandler(
    126         common.totaler(currAttachments),
    127         currGun.stats
    128       ),
    129       footer: {
    130         text: "All the stats courtesy of Project Lighthouse",
    131         icon_url:
    132           "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/735590814662656102/806960573753327657/cc.png?width=638&height=638",
    133       },
    134     };
    135   } else {
    136     const availableAttachmentTypes = [
    137       ...new Set(currGun.aments.map(x => x.type)),
    138     ];
    139     return {
    140       title: currGun.gunname,
    141       color: 11348938,
    142       fields: [
    143         {
    144           name:
    145             "**" + currGun.gunname + "** has the following attachment types:",
    146           value:
    147             "```\n" +
    148             availableAttachmentTypes.map(x => at[x - 1]).join(",\n") +
    149             "```",
    150         },
    151       ],
    152       footer: {
    153         text: "All the stats courtesy of Project Lighthouse",
    154         icon_url:
    155           "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/735590814662656102/806960573753327657/cc.png?width=638&height=638",
    156       },
    157     };
    158   }
    159 }
    160 // console.log(attachments("Peacekeeper:muzzle")); //common.makeError();
    161 /* console.log(attachments(":")); //common.makeError();
    162 console.log(attachments("47:optics")); //common.makeError();
    163 console.log(attachments("47")); //common.makeError();
    164 console.log(attachments("47 + ")); //common.makeError();
    165 console.log(attachments("47 + :")); //common.makeError();
    166 console.log(attachments("47 + red dot")); common.makeError();*/