
The first CODM discrod bot -- cath.exe Template
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sgrelo.js (3664B)

      1 module.exports = {
      2   name: "sgrelo",
      3   description: "Calculate reload time for shotgun",
      4   options: [
      5     {
      6       type: 7,
      7       name: "gun",
      8       description: "Gun name",
      9       required: true,
     10     },
     11   ],
     12   run: async (client, interaction, args) => {
     13     let err = "",
     14       wrn = "",
     15       interpretedAs = [];
     16     function mather(inp) {
     17       const inpArr = interpreter(inp),
     18         outArr = [];
     19       inpArr.map((x, i, a) => {
     20         for (let j = i + 1; j < a.length; j++) {
     21           outArr.push(worker(x, a[j]));
     22         }
     23       });
     24       const aArr = outArr.map(x => x.a),
     25         iArr = outArr.map(x => x.i);
     26       return (
     27         "Input: `" +
     28         interpretedAs.join("`, `") +
     29         "`" +
     30         (aArr.length == 1
     31           ? "\nOpening and Closing Animation Time: " +
     32             beautifier(aArr[0]) +
     33             "\nReload Time: " +
     34             beautifier(iArr[0])
     35           : "\nAll Opening and Closing Animation Time: " +
     36             aArr.map(x => beautifier(x)).join(", ") +
     37             "\nAll Reload Time: " +
     38             iArr.map(x => beautifier(x)).join(", ") +
     39             "\nAverage Opening and Closing Animation Time: " +
     40             beautifier(aArr.reduce((t, x) => t + x, 0) / aArr.length) +
     41             "\nAverage Reload Time: " +
     42             beautifier(iArr.reduce((t, x) => t + x, 0) / iArr.length))
     43       );
     44     }
     46     function interpreter(inp) {
     47       let out = [
     48         ...new Set(
     49           inp
     50             .split(/\n|, |,/g)
     51             .filter(x => x)
     52             .map(x => x.toLowerCase().replace(/[^0-9a-z]/g, ""))
     53         ),
     54       ];
     55       out = out
     56         .map(x => {
     57           interpretedAs.push(x);
     58           const obj = {
     59             b: 0,
     60             f: 0,
     61           };
     62           if (
     63             x.split(/b/g).length > 2 ||
     64             x.split(/f/g).length > 2 ||
     65             x.split(/[a-z]/g).length > 3
     66           ) {
     67             err += "Unknown identifier `" + x + "`\n";
     68           } else if (x.indexOf("b") === -1 || x.indexOf("f") === -1) {
     69             err += "Missing identifier `" + x + "`\n";
     70           } else if (x.indexOf("b") === x.length - 1) {
     71             obj.b = parseFloat(x.split("f")[1].trim());
     72             obj.f = parseFloat(x.split("f")[0].trim());
     73           } else if (x.indexOf("f") === x.length - 1) {
     74             obj.b = parseFloat(x.split("b")[0].trim());
     75             obj.f = parseFloat(x.split("b")[1].trim());
     76           } else {
     77             err += "Unknown identifier `" + x + "`\n";
     78           }
     79           if (!obj.b && obj.f) {
     80             err += "Couldn't interpret `" + x + "`\n";
     81           } else if (!Number.isInteger(obj.b)) {
     82             err += "Decimal bullet count found `" + x + "`\n";
     83           } else if (!Number.isInteger(obj.f)) {
     84             wrn += "Decimal value found `" + x + "`\n";
     85           }
     86           return obj;
     87         })
     88         .filter(x => JSON.stringify(x).length && x);
     89       if (out.length === 1) {
     90         err += "Single equation found\n";
     91       }
     92       return err || !out.length ? [] : out;
     93     }
     95     function worker(o1, o2) {
     96       const out = {
     97         i: 0,
     98         a: 0,
     99       };
    100       out.i = (o1.f - o2.f) / (o1.b - o2.b);
    101       out.a = o1.f - out.i * o1.b;
    102       return out;
    103     }
    105     function beautifier(num) {
    106       return parseFloat(num.toFixed(2)).toString() + "s";
    107     }
    109     const msg = mather(args[0]);
    111     if (err !== "") {
    112       interaction.followUp(err);
    113     } else if (wrn !== "") {
    114       interaction.followUp({ content: wrn + "\n" + msg });
    115     } else {
    116       interaction.followUp({ content: msg });
    117     }
    118   },
    119 };