
The first CODM discrod bot -- cath.exe Template
git clone https://codeberg.org/night0721/nyx
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premium.js (4606B)

      1 const { EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js");
      2 module.exports = {
      3   name: "premiumserver",
      4   category: "Config",
      5   description: "Add premium to a server",
      6   Premium: true,
      7   options: [
      8     {
      9       type: 5,
     10       name: "choice",
     11       description: "Whether add or remove premium server",
     12       required: true,
     13     },
     14   ],
     15   run: async (client, interaction) => {
     16     try {
     17       const user = await client.data.getUser(interaction.user.id);
     18       const guild = await client.data.getGuild(interaction.guild.id);
     19       if (interaction.options.getBoolean("choice")) {
     20         if (guild.Premium) {
     21           return interaction.followUp({
     22             content: "This server is already premium",
     23           });
     24         }
     25         if (
     26           (user.Tier == 1 && user.PremiumServers.length >= 5) ||
     27           (user.Tier == 2 && user.PremiumServers.length >= 2) ||
     28           (user.Tier == 3 && user.PremiumServers.length >= 0)
     29         ) {
     30           interaction.followUp({
     31             content:
     32               "You have already reached the maximum amount of premium servers",
     33           });
     34         } else {
     35           await client.data.setPremium(interaction.guild.id, "true");
     36           await client.data.pushGuild(
     37             interaction.user.id,
     38             interaction.guild.id,
     39             "push"
     40           );
     41           interaction.followUp({
     42             embeds: [
     43               new EmbedBuilder()
     44                 .setTitle("Success!")
     45                 .setDescription(
     46                   `Premium added to **${interaction.guild.name}**! \n`
     47                 )
     48                 .setFooter({ text: "Thank you for supporting Cath!" })
     49                 .setColor("Green")
     50                 .setTimestamp()
     51                 .setAuthor({
     52                   name: interaction.user.tag,
     53                   iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }),
     54                 }),
     55             ],
     56           });
     57           client.channels.cache.get(client.config.ServerLog).send({
     58             embeds: [
     59               new EmbedBuilder()
     60                 .setTitle("New Premium Server")
     61                 .addFields({
     62                   name: "Server Info",
     63                   value: `**>Server Name**: \n${interaction.guild.name}
     64                   **>Server ID**: \n${interaction.guild.id}
     65                   **>Server Member Count**: \n${interaction.guild.memberCount}`,
     66                 })
     67                 .setTimestamp()
     68                 .setThumbnail(interaction.guild.iconURL({ dynamic: true }))
     69                 .setColor("Green"),
     70             ],
     71           });
     72         }
     73       } else {
     74         if (!guild.Premium) {
     75           return interaction.followUp({
     76             content: "This server isn't premium yet",
     77           });
     78         }
     79         if (!user.PremiumServers.includes(interaction.guild.id)) {
     80           return interaction.followUp({
     81             content:
     82               "You can't remove due to you aren't the person who made the server premium",
     83           });
     84         } else {
     85           await client.data.setPremium(interaction.guild.id, "false");
     86           await client.data.pushGuild(
     87             interaction.user.id,
     88             interaction.guild.id,
     89             "splice"
     90           );
     91           interaction.followUp({
     92             embeds: [
     93               new EmbedBuilder()
     94                 .setTitle("Removed!")
     95                 .setDescription(
     96                   `Premium removed from **${interaction.guild.name}**! \n`
     97                 )
     98                 .setColor("Red")
     99                 .setTimestamp()
    100                 .setAuthor({
    101                   name: interaction.user.tag,
    102                   iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }),
    103                 }),
    104             ],
    105           });
    106           client.channels.cache.get(client.config.ServerLog).send({
    107             embeds: [
    108               new EmbedBuilder()
    109                 .setTitle("Premium Server Removed")
    110                 .addFields({
    111                   name: "Server Info",
    112                   value: `**>Server Name**: \n${interaction.guild.name}
    113                   **>Server ID**: \n${interaction.guild.id}
    114                   **>Server Member Count**: \n${interaction.guild.memberCount}`,
    115                 })
    116                 .setTimestamp()
    117                 .setThumbnail(interaction.guild.iconURL({ dynamic: true }))
    118                 .setColor("Red"),
    119             ],
    120           });
    121         }
    122       }
    123     } catch (e) {
    124       console.log(e);
    125       interaction.followUp({ content: `**Error**: ${e.message}` });
    126     }
    127   },
    128 };