
The first CODM discrod bot -- cath.exe Template
git clone https://codeberg.org/night0721/nyx
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help.js (6785B)

      1 const {
      2   EmbedBuilder,
      3   Client,
      4   CommandInteraction,
      5   ActionRowBuilder,
      6   StringSelectMenuBuilder,
      7   ComponentType,
      8 } = require("discord.js");
      9 const Utils = require("../../util/functions/function");
     10 module.exports = {
     11   name: "help",
     12   usage: "(Command/Category)",
     13   description: "Shows all available bot commands",
     14   category: "Information",
     15   options: [
     16     {
     17       type: 3,
     18       name: "command",
     19       description: "The command you want to see",
     20       required: false,
     21     },
     22   ],
     23   /**
     24    *
     25    * @param {Client} client
     26    * @param {CommandInteraction} interaction
     27    * @param {String[]} args
     28    * @param {Utils} utils
     29    */
     30   run: async (client, interaction, args, utils) => {
     31     if (!args[0]) {
     32       await interaction.deleteReply();
     33       const emoji = {
     34         CODM: "<a:codm:897030768793104385>",
     35         APEX: "🎆",
     36         Config: "<a:config:896990033561669762>",
     37         Information: "<a:information:894962394932064346>",
     38         Utilities: "<a:utilites:897233087941988392>",
     39       };
     40       const directories = [
     41         ...new Set(client.slashCommands.map(cmd => cmd.directory)),
     42       ];
     43       const categories = directories.map(dir => {
     44         if (dir == "Owner") return;
     45         const getCmds = client.slashCommands
     46           .filter(c => c.directory == dir)
     47           .map(cmd => {
     48             return {
     49               name: cmd.name || "No command name",
     50             };
     51           });
     52         return {
     53           directory: dir,
     54           commands: getCmds,
     55         };
     56       });
     57       const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
     58         .setTitle(`**NYX's Commands**`)
     59         .setDescription(`Please choose a category in the dropdown menu`)
     60         .setColor(client.color)
     61         .setTimestamp()
     62         .addFields(
     63           {
     64             name: ":link: **Invite Me**",
     65             value: `[Click Here](${utils.inviteLink(client.user.id)})`,
     66             inline: true,
     67           },
     68           {
     69             name: "<:support1:867093614403256350> **Need Help ?**",
     70             value: `[Support Server](${client.invite})`,
     71             inline: true,
     72           },
     73           {
     74             name: "<:YouTube:841186450497339412> **Video Guide**",
     75             value: `[How to use Slash Coammands](https://youtu.be/YSKDu1gKntY)`,
     76             inline: true,
     77           },
     78           {
     79             name: `<:nyx_description:897379659665264650> Documentation`,
     80             value: `[Click here](${client.docs})`,
     81             inline: true,
     82           },
     83           {
     84             name: "<a:booster:896527475063025704> **Premium**",
     85             value: `You can either boost support server or subscribe to developer's team [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/cathteam) or gift a nitro to one of the developer team.`,
     86             inline: false,
     87           }
     88         )
     89         .setURL(client.docs)
     90         .setThumbnail(
     91           "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/896078559293104128/896392631565828146/nyx_logo_transparent.webp"
     92         )
     93         .setFooter({
     94           text: `Requested by ${interaction.user.tag}`,
     95           iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }),
     96         });
     97       const components = state => [
     98         new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(
     99           new StringSelectMenuBuilder()
    100             .setCustomId("help-menu")
    101             .setPlaceholder(`Please select a category`)
    102             .setDisabled(state)
    103             .addOptions(
    104               categories.map(cmd => {
    105                 return {
    106                   label: cmd.directory,
    107                   value: cmd.directory,
    108                   description: `Commands from ${cmd.directory} category`,
    109                   emoji: emoji[cmd.directory] || null,
    110                 };
    111               })
    112             )
    113         ),
    114       ];
    116       const msg = await interaction.channel.send({
    117         embeds: [embed],
    118         components: components(false),
    119       });
    120       const filter = m => m.user.id === interaction.user.id;
    121       const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageComponentCollector({
    122         filter,
    123         componentType: ComponentType.StringSelect,
    124         time: 60000,
    125       });
    126       collector.on("collect", async interaction => {
    127         const [directory] = interaction.values;
    128         const category = categories.find(u => u.directory === directory);
    129         const newembed = new EmbedBuilder()
    130           .setTitle(
    131             `${emoji[directory]} ${directory} Commands ${emoji[directory]}`
    132           )
    133           .setTimestamp()
    134           .setColor(client.color)
    135           .setFooter({
    136             text: `Please use /help (Command Name) for more details`,
    137           })
    138           .setDescription(
    139             category.commands
    140               .map(cmd => {
    141                 return [`\`${cmd.name}\``];
    142               })
    143               .join(", ")
    144           );
    145         interaction.reply({ embeds: [newembed] });
    146       });
    147       collector.on("end", () => msg.edit({ components: components(true) }));
    148     } else {
    149       const command = client.slashCommands.get(args[0].toLowerCase());
    150       if (!command) {
    151         interaction.editReply({
    152           content: `There isn't any command named "${args[0]}"`,
    153         });
    154       } else {
    155         if (command.UserPerms && Array.isArray(command.UserPerms)) {
    156           UserPermissions = command.UserPerms;
    157         } else {
    158           UserPermissions = [command.UserPerms ? command.UserPerms : ""];
    159         }
    160         const fields = [];
    161         const embed = new EmbedBuilder()
    162           .setTitle(`"${command.name}" command details`)
    163           .addFields([
    164             {
    165               name: "**Command**:",
    166               value: command.name ? `\`${command.name}\`` : "N/A",
    167             },
    168           ]);
    169         if (command.usage)
    170           fields.push({
    171             name: "**Usage**:",
    172             value: `\`/${command.name} ${command.usage}\``,
    173           });
    174         else
    175           fields.push({
    176             name: "**Usage**:",
    177             value: `\`/${command.name}\``,
    178           });
    180         if (command.description)
    181           fields.push({
    182             name: "**Description**:",
    183             value: command.description,
    184           });
    186         if (command.timeout)
    187           fields.push({
    188             name: "**Cooldown**:",
    189             value: utils.timer(command.timeout),
    190           });
    191         embed
    192           .setFooter({
    193             text: `Requested by ${interaction.user.tag}`,
    194             iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }),
    195           })
    196           .setTimestamp()
    197           .addFields(fields)
    198           .setURL(client.web)
    199           .setColor(client.color);
    200         interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed] });
    201       }
    202     }
    203   },
    204 };