
The first CODM discrod bot -- cath.exe Template
git clone https://codeberg.org/night0721/nyx
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ping.js (1196B)

      1 const { EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js");
      2 module.exports = {
      3   name: "ping",
      4   description: "Check bot latency to Discord API",
      5   category: "Information",
      6   run: async (client, interaction, args) => {
      7     const msg = await interaction.channel.send(`Pinging...`);
      8     const messageping = msg.createdTimestamp - interaction.createdTimestamp;
      9     await msg.delete();
     10     const Embed = new EmbedBuilder()
     11       .setTitle("<a:pong:897383314405605436> Pong!")
     12       .setAuthor({
     13         name: interaction.user.username,
     14         iconURL: interaction.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }),
     15       })
     16       .setDescription(
     17         `\n 📨 • **Message Latency** \`${Math.floor(messageping)}ms\`
     18         \n🛰️ • **Bot Latency** \`${Math.round(client.ws.ping)}ms\``
     19       )
     20       .setFooter({
     21         text: `Made by ${client.author}`,
     22         iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }),
     23       })
     24       .setTimestamp()
     25       .setColor(
     26         messageping < 350
     27           ? "#008000"
     28           : messageping < 500 && messageping > 350
     29           ? "#ffff31"
     30           : "#ff0000"
     31       );
     32     interaction.followUp({ embeds: [Embed] });
     33   },
     34 };