
The first CODM discrod bot -- cath.exe Template
git clone https://codeberg.org/night0721/nyx
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getinvite.js (1369B)

      1 module.exports = {
      2   name: "getinvite",
      3   category: "Owner",
      4   usage: "(Guild)",
      5   description: "Generates an invitation to the server",
      6   Owner: true,
      7   options: [
      8     {
      9       type: 3,
     10       name: "guild",
     11       description: "The guild you want to get invite (Server ID/Name)",
     12       required: true,
     13     },
     14   ],
     15   run: async (client, interaction, args) => {
     16     let guild = null;
     17     const fetched =
     18       client.guilds.cache.find(g => g.name === args.join(" ")) ||
     19       client.guilds.cache.get(args[0]);
     20     guild = fetched;
     21     if (guild) {
     22       const tChannel = guild.channels.cache.find(
     23         ch =>
     24           ch.type == "GUILD_TEXT" &&
     25           ch.permissionsFor(ch.guild.me).has("CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE")
     26       );
     27       if (!tChannel) {
     28         interaction.followUp({
     29           content: `\`${args.join(
     30             " "
     31           )}\` - Bot can't get invite since it doesn't get enough permission`,
     32         });
     33       }
     34       const invite = await tChannel
     35         .createInvite({ temporary: false, maxAge: 0 })
     36         .catch(e => {
     37           console.log(e);
     38           interaction.followUp({ content: e.stack });
     39         });
     40       interaction.followUp({ content: invite.url });
     41     } else {
     42       interaction.followUp({
     43         content: `\`${args.join(" ")}\` - Bot isn't in that server`,
     44       });
     45     }
     46   },
     47 };