2021-07-22 22:12:08 +05:30

114 lines
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<img src = "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/842014909264953354/867806346593042483/Cath-temp-banner.png?width=1244&height=415">
*This is a Bot Template based on Cath.exe, This templated **does not** conatain any data from Project Lighthouse. For Call of duty mobile stats invite the main instance using the **INVITE ME** badge.*
**Cath.exe** is a Multipurpose Discord Bot with many features that include but are not limited to Moderation, Music and Economy. The Call of Duty Stats are courtesy of [**Project Lighthouse**](https://discord.gg/ARNFCu9NxK) by [**Path.exe**](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0hvUWYhyx_DOEBzLWEJxsw).<br><br>
If you like this bot, feel free to <img src = "https://discord.com/assets/141d49436743034a59dec6bd5618675d.svg" width = "16"> **Star** and **fork** this repository.<br><br>
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## Build with:
<img src ="https://forthebadge.com/images/badges/built-with-love.svg" width = "122"><br>
<!-- # Project Lighthouse
<img src = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/540218400413188116/867689582706294794/lighthouse.gif" width = "1298" hight = "433"> -->
<!-- ## What is Project Lighthouse? -->
# <img src = "https://discord.com/assets/a6d05968d7706183143518d96c9f066e.svg" width = "26"> Deploy Your Own Instance Locally
## Prerequisite
Download all these programs on your local machine by clicking on the badge & following the standard installing procedure. You can use any IDE but we recommand VS Code.
[![Open in Visual Studio Code](https://img.shields.io/badge/Visual_Studio_Code-5865F2?style=for-the-badge&logo=visual%20studio%20code&logoColor=white)](https://code.visualstudio.com/Download)
<!-- [![MongoDB](https://img.shields.io/badge/MongoDB-4EA94B?style=for-the-badge&logo=mongodb&logoColor=white)](https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/lp/try2) -->
## Step by Step Walkthrough
### [![YouTube Tutorial](https://img.shields.io/badge/YouTube-FF0000?style=for-the-badge&logo=youtube&logoColor=white)](https://youtu.be/_D5xG7XoF88)
1. Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/night0721/cath.exe
2. Rename the [`.env.example`<span>&#10138;</span>
](https://github.com/night0721/cath.exe/blob/main/.env.example) file to `.env`<br>
3. Create an application from Discord Developer's Portal then copy these things into the `.env` file.<br>
[![Open Discord Developer Portal](https://badgen.net/badge/icon/discord?icon=discord&label=Developer%20Portal&color=5865F2&style=for-the-badge)](https://discord.com/developers/applications)
- **Bot Token**<br>
- **Application ID** (Client ID)<br>
- **Client Secret**<br>
4. To view the logs, Create 5 Channels & 5 Webhooks in *your* **Discord Server:** corresponding to these logs.
- **Server Log** (Log new Server Added/Premium Server)<br>
- **Error Log** (Log Unhandled Rejection Error)<br>
- **Ready Log** (Log when bot online)<br>
- **Command Log** (Log command usage)<br>
- **DM Log** (Log when someone send DM to Bot)<br>
*You can also just use one Channel & one Webhook for everything but it will be really inconvenient.*
<img src = "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/540218400413188116/867797464169709661/unknown.png" width="640"> <br>
5. One by one paste the webhook url in a web browser & copy the **ID** & the **TOKEN** and paste it in the corresponding feilds in the `.env` file. <br>
6. After this, you need to install all dependencies by using this command. This will takes a few minutes.
npm i
7. Now, to start the bot use this command in the Terminal.
node .
## Additional Steps
To enable the Economy Commands, you need to Setup a MongoDB Database. You can also watch a video guide [here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ).
1. Create a Free [MongoDB Account](https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register)
2. Click on the `Create a New Database`.
3. Selct the `CREATE` option in the **Shared** Teir.
4. Select a `Cloud Provider & Region` that is geographically closer to the average user that will use the bot. *This will effect the responce time of the bot.*
5. Then you can Name your Cluster, after that click on `Create Cluster`. *This will take a couple of minutes.*
6. Then click on `Database Access` from the sidebar & then click on `Add New Database User`.
7. Under the `Password - Authentication Method`. Enter a username & password. then click on `Add User`.
8. After that, click on `Network Access` from the sidebar & then click on `Add IP Address`. & click on the `Add Current IP Address` Then click on `Confirm`.
9. now, Click on `Database` from the sidebar & then click on `Connect`.
10. Then on click on `Connect your Application`. & Copy the link.
11. The paste that link in the `MONGODB` feild in the `.env` file.
12. Now you need to modify that link,
- Replace `<password>` with the password for the user that you created in **Step 7**.
- Replace `myFirstDatabase` with the name of the Database that you named in **Step 5**.
13. That's it!
# Support, Feature Request & Bug Reports
## <img src = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/867093614403256350.png?v=1" width = 18> Support & Feature Request
Join the official [Support Server](https://discord.gg/SbQHChmGcp) on Discord & we will be happy to assist you. <br>
To Request new features contact us on Discord using the support server.
## <img src = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/867093601962950666.png?v=1" width = "18"> Report Bugs
You can report bugs or issues by opening a issue in this repository. Alternatevely you can also contact us on Discord using the support server.
[![Support Server](https://img.shields.io/discord/718762019586572341?label=Support%20Server&logo=Discord&colorB=5865F2&style=for-the-badge&logoColor=white) ](https://discord.gg/SR7TeNJG67)